Chapter 3: Bad Graffiti and Beautiful Sights

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It's very warm in California.
That's the first thing I learn after we collect our luggage and get off the plane. There's no one here to pick us up, because we will be staying by ourselves. Lily May is a pro at staying by herself, as she's had to do it many times in her life. However, my mother was nice enough to send us a rental car, which waits in the parking lot bearing a sign that reads "Helga and Lily May." Nice try. More like: "Hellga and Lily Mayonnaise."

"Wow." Lily May scoffs. "The people in California are really bad at graffiti."

She climbs into the driver's side of the car and I get into the passenger seat.

I couldn't agree more.

We arrive at our hotel and lift our suitcases out of the trunk. The hotel is beautiful, with floors as high as the eye can see, and a sparkling pool, complete with even more palm trees. Lily May sets down her bag and stares up at the hotel, open-mouthed. She is standing right in the car lane, and soon a line of cars forms. The one in the front starts forward.


She turns quickly, grabs her suitcase, and dives into a bush on the other side. The cars refuse to wait for me to cross the road, so I sit there a good thirty minutes before I can get across. Lily May pokes her head out from the bush, and there is a twig in her hair. She pouts.

"I hope the people at VidCon are nicer than these people. Sheesh."

I reach out a hand and help her out of the bush, then pick up our suitcases.

"I'm sure they will be. Don't worry."

Knowing my mother, I should've know this. But I never thought about it. I never thought about the fact that we'd be staying on the 60th floor of a 60 floor hotel. It is practically barren up here. We enter our room, which of course has a window the size of the entire wall, advertising just how high up we are. Literally, it's higher than the trees.

Tonight is the VidCon opening party. It is where you go and everyone just kind of hangs out and you can meet youtubers. Since it is a party, we are requested to dress nice. I don't own many dresses, but Lily May's foster mom is a fashion guru, so she has plenty to spare.

After an hour of being picked, prodded, poked, and nearly experiencing death by eyelash curler, we are ready for the party. Lily May looks lovely in a strapless dress with a white floral print top and a blue skirt. I have chosen simple peach number with coral embroidery. We check the clock. It reads 6:30 pm, which means it's time to go.

Lily May smiles nervously at me.

"You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

A/N: That's their dresses in the picture! Also, Rhett and Link are 21 here, and Lily May and Helga are 19 :-)

Saving Helga Geraldine (A Rhett and Link Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora