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I scoffed and respectfully let my hand reach down to the small of Desiree's back. "Don't be so damn rude. This is my friend, Desiree. She's gotten into a bit of a situation and she's gonna stay here with me for a bit." I glare at my step-dad who only scoffed, "Did you get my permission?" He spit angrily. "Didn't think I needed it, considering that I still live in this shit hole. Get used to seeing Desiree's beautiful face because she's staying here, Ron. Now excuse me, asshole." I pat Desiree's back gently and we walk past him gracefully.

Desiree let out a long breath, "He's - something." She stuttered.

"Mum, Mali, Ryan. I'm home with a guest." I said loudly. "Want something to drink, love?" I offered Desiree. She shook her head and I nodded.

I could hear heavy footsteps from upstairs and my mum's heels clicking on the marble floor, "Calum, and a girl." I focus my eyes on the dark curly headed woman walking towards us.

Mum smiled at Desiree, "Hello, darling. I'm Joy, Calum's mother. You are?"

"Desiree Sanders. You have a lovely home."

"I'm glad you like it." Mum's eyes shifted to me. "Calum, sweetheart. You've brought mud in. Please take your shoes off and leave them out in the patio, you too Miss. Desiree if you don't mind." Mum sighed politely.

"Not at all, ma'am." Desiree nodded.

"Calum!" I heard my sister cry.
Mali-Koa walked towards me in a strapless long blue dress that reached to her ankles. They must have gone out before Desiree and I came.

I hugged my sister for a few seconds before letting go. "Mali, this is Desiree, my good friend. Desiree, this is Mali, my good sister," I say awkwardly.

Desire nods, "It's nice to meet you. You both look so much alike, except you're beautiful and Calum's, well -- Calum."

I rolled my eyes with a small smile running on my lips.

"Oh why thank you, and yes I know. My brother is so unappealing. I mean what's with his shirt!" Mali exclaimed with a grin.

"Ha-ha, very fun." I joked trying to seem angry.

Ryan, Mali's fiancé soon walks down to see what all the commotion was about. "Calum, hey man." I didn't really like him at all, but I only stuck through his shit attitude for my sister.

"Ryan." His rough hand patted on my back, "Mali, I have a phone conference, so would you be a dear and stay out here while I finish it up." My sister nodded and kissed Ryan quickly.

"You kids keep it down." Ryan glared directly at me then eyed Desiree down. "We will," I pull her into me, "Don't you worry." Ryan nodded and walked away.

"He's such an ass, Mali." I huffed. My sister frowned at me then looked at Desiree, "Would you like something to change into?" Desiree nodded slowly. "Okay. Here I'll take you to get changed." Mali reached her hand out making Desiree flinch. I tucked away a strand of her hair, "It's okay, Des. Go on. I'll be out here when you're finished." She nodded and hugged me tightly. I almost instantly hugged back.

She was so warm. She smelled somewhat like coconut even though she had been drowned in rainwater, I loved it. Her waist was so small and curvy, my arms laid at just the perfect spot while I hugged her. I didn't want to end the hug so soon, but Mali must've been so confused at the moment.

I pull back and smiled down at her, "Okay?"

"Mkay." Desiree nodded with a small smile on her lips. "Let me take your shoes," I say. She took off her shoes and handed them to me. "Thank you, Calum." Desiree sighed before walking away upstairs with Mali.

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