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*Perry's P.O.V.*

I was sitting in the living room doing some laundry the next morning, watching TLC and rocking Clarity with my leg a week into motherhood and this is what it consisted of? I had already cleaned the kitchen and done most of the chores and it was only 10:30. Beau walked in the front door from making a trip to the mail box.

"Anything interesting in the mail?" I asked.

"Not really, just bills and informational brochures to.." He tilted his head slightly to read the title of the pamphlet. "'The Grand Symphony's 100th Anniversary Extravaganza'" He put the mail down and plopped down on the couch next to me.

"Hey! careful, she's asleep." I warned.

"Sorry," Beau said, shifting slightly. He stared to help me fold clothes, which I realized he wasn't very good at.

"Did Kendall go home with Elliott last night?" I asked him in the middle of our silence.

"Of course she did Per," He said, he put down the shirt he was folding ad clasped his hands together, making kissy lips and batting his eyelashes, "They're in love"

I laughed giving him a peck on the lips and continuing to fold laundry.

"So babe," He said, "We should go out to dinner, just you and me"

"That would be a lot of fun, but Clarity will have to be our plus one." I said smiling.

"I mean technically she is both you and" Beau said, smirking. "So it's settled, dinner tomorrow night."


*Beau's P.O.V.*

It was about one in the afternoon and Perry had gone to take a nap, so I decided to start my planning now. I stepped into our bedroom and into the bathroom, picking up one of Perry's favorite rings off the counter. I walked over to the bed, where she was sprawled out in the sheets and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey baby, I'm gonna go to the studio for a few hours, Okay?" I whispered. She shifted and sleepily pulled her hair out of her face.

"Okay, be careful." She replied before burying herself under the sheets again. I stepped out of the room and closed the door softly. Putting the ring in my pocket I walked out the front door and sat in the drivers seat of my car, dialing Eric's number on my phone. The phone rang a few times.


"Hey Eric, I need your help."

"Okay, with what? Is it about the new song?"

"No, not this time, I actually need your help because I'm going to propose to Perry." I said, feeling the ring press against my leg through my jeans. Silence.

"Wow." He said. "...are you sure you're ready for marriage? I mean I'm not questioning your relationship or anything, but that's a big step."

"Well, I love her more than I've ever loved anyone...and we have a kid together, Eric." I said, putting the keys into the ignition roaring the car to life. "Can you meet me at the mall for some bones and a trip to the jeweler's?" I asked, laughing a little 'the bromance was real ' I thought, cracking myself up. Eric laughed too,

"Yeah man, I'll see you then."

"Awesome," I said. "Bye."

"Bye." He said and hung up the phone. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the mall. I parked and walked inside heading to the west wing of the mall where the Starbucks and jeweler was. Stepping into Starbucks, I spotted Eric immediately. He was sitting at one of the tables, facing away from me, scrolling through twitter on his phone and sipping on some bones. I ordered a cup of bones and quietly snuck up behind him, attempting to scare him with my infamous cat noise. It worked.

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