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Perry's P.O.V.

"That wasn't at all what was happening." Drew said. "I asked her to leave you, and she said no. I don't why she loves a jackass like you, but she does. Be proud of that." He finished. Silence falling over the room. Drew turned to look at me. "I'll talk to you later, Perry." He said, shoving past Beau and leaving the hospital room. Beau glared at him as he waked away and once drew shut the door he turned his gaze to me.

"I'm sorry." I barely whispered. Beau looked down, talking a deep breath and approached me, sitting down at my bedside. To my surprise, he pulled me into a hug.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He said, rubbing my back.


We were released from the hospital a little after three that afternoon. It was a good day, I got a call from the services agency, saying that Kendall's custody case has been dropped, since she turned eighteen about a month ago. Now I was going home with my new baby girl, the only bad thing about today is Beau hasn't said much to me. I know he's mad, or at least a little disappointed...I don't know what to say to him. We pulled up the driveway, sitting in the car for a few minutes. The silence was heavy. Beau grabbed my hand, sighing.

"You know, I love you." He said

"I love you too"

We walked up the steps of the house and stepped inside, when we flicked on the lights at least twenty people jumped up from behind the couches and from under the table.

"Surprise!" They shouted. I started laughing out of shock once I started to recognize some of the faces. Elliot, Kendall, Eric, Matt, Jared. A banner hung from the ceiling that wrote 'Welcome Home Beau, Perry and Clarity!' People I didn't recognize came up to Beau and hugged him, congratulating him on his newly earned fatherhood. I started getting introduced to different people, Zack from the record label, Sharron from management, various people from grade school...The only thing that seemed to be missing was my own family. It was time I call my mother, yet again.

"Here, I need to call my mom." I said, handing Clarity to Beau after being formally introduced to all our guests. I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me, closing myself off from the noise and party. Leaning against one of the posts that held up the ceiling, I hesitantly dialed my mother's number. It rang twice and went straight to voice-mail. I waited for the little beep and left a message.

"Hey Mom, so I know we aren't on good terms but I think It's important for you to know that Clarity, your first granddaughter, came into the world yesterday...I'm not asking you to be a part of her life because that is completely up to you, but uh, I just figured you'd like to know. Give me a call sometime, love you."

I sat outside for a while, stuck on the thought of my mother. Where had we gone wrong? As much as I didn't want to admit it, I missed my Mom...a lot. Ever since I was a little girl I had this idea in my head that she'd always be here and know where am I? Living with The man I wasn't even married to, my beaten down sister and my daughter. My Daughter. Beau opened the front door, startling me a little from my concentration.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked. I turned around and walked towards him, giving him a hug.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I said.


I am so terribly sorry I haven't updated, My entire life has been run a muck because of school, family and depression, BUT LOOK I UPDATED! :D I know it's short, but I needed a filler as I get back on my feet to start writing and updating again. I will also be updating Bones Crew and hopfully adding a new story to my collection, I haven't named it yet but here's a hint: if you like zombies and badasses you'll like my new story :3 Thank you for all the support.

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