Chapter 1: Slade Wilson

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Meanwhile, a few minutes before things went wakko, Deathstroke was on a mission, oddly enough looking for someone with a blue and red suit... Much like Spider-Man. But, it was really talking about someone else. Deathstroke was on the hunt when the world goes weird in a little bit in the journey.

Deathstroke didn't notice the change. What he did notice, though, was a well-known hero in a blue and red suit beating up a criminal in Crime Alley... Or was it somewhere else? You know what, it is either Crime Alley or somewhere in the Marvel universe like Crime Alley.

Deathstroke saw Spidey as the target and went for him. Deathstroke thought he could catch him by surprise with a bomb, but Spider-Man just dodged. This is where the fun really begins. This is where...




Spider-Man's first attack was a web. Deathstroke cuts the web into, like, infinity pieces from a few slices with his katanas. Deathstroke is happy doesn't show that he's happy to find a worthy opponent. Spidey, he doesn't care. He's been through so much worse than Deathstroke has.

No matter how much has happened, Spider-Man still can't beat an enemy in one attack, whether he wants to attack more for the fun of it or he needs to so he can win. "Okay, not bad," Spider-Man says. "But what about this?". Spidey then rapid fires webs... And Deathstroke slices and dices every single one.

Neither of them really know what to do so they do fighting how they both do it best: one on one melee combat. So Spider-Man and Deathstroke run to each other and soon, there's dodging, punches are flying, and energy is draining. And then Deathstroke slices Spidey on the chest, after that, the back.

Spider-Man, lying on the ground, gets up and activated the Iron Spider suit. His back leg things come out of his back and stabs Deathstroke. The legs grab Deathstroke on his armor and knocks him around like in one of those funny cartoons.

After a few minutes of that, Spidey throws Deathstroke through the wall of a building near Crime Alley. Spider-Man went through the streets Deathstroke got up and followed. Then they a big street fight. "People I am hired to kill are usually dead by now," Deathstroke says to Spider-Man. "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!".

Spidey launches Deathstroke into a building and he breaks straight through it, then crashes in the building right beside it. "Had enough?" Spider-Man asks as he gets in the building. Deathstroke gets up with silence. Like a madman, he jumps out the window behind him backwards. A few seconds later a helicopter rises with Deathstroke on it. Then Spider-Man looks outside.

"I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore".

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