The abnormal

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He never saw them. He was only, able to see the brief shadow of one before he was hit in the face with a club or bat. The shadow was large and dark, menacing and scary. He didn't know what it was or who it was.

When he woke up he was being dragged down a hall with his eyes blindfolded. His head was dragging on the floor and he could feel the tight grip that surrounded one of his ankles. His body hit bumps and cracks in the floor, but his armour protected him.

He didn't ask any questions neither was he asked any. He went airborne for a moment before landing hard on the ground. It was metal. He felt a hand grab his blind fold and yank it off along with a clump of his long hair. He winced at the pain and looked up.

"Wh-What's happening?!" Emille stuttered looking around.

There was no answer. It was dark. He was in an enclosed space. The walls, floor and roof was black. In front of him lay columns of thick metal beams. He grabbed on to one and looked out. It seemed like some sort of hallway. There were cages or cells across from him, but it was to dark to tell if someone was inside.

"Hello?!" He yelled and his voice echoed. He leaned back and sat against the wall. He heard a deep rumble and the cell lightly shook.

Was he still aboard Krons ship? Wait, where was Julie?! He got up and rushed to the bars looking into the cell across from him. He noticed something moving in the corner of the darkness. He squinted to get a better look.

"Hey........ where are we?" He asked hoping it was a person. It took a moment or two before the figure turned around to reveal a man. He was old and skinny. He limped to the bars and slipped an arm out. His arm was extremely thin and his bones were visible nearly jutting out of his skin. His veins bulged out and his fingers were bent and mangled. He groaned. Emille knew this man would be no help.

"They take the strongest." The man mumbled and Emille couldn't help but stare at the deformed man. He was human? Emille began to think but was to nervous to ask the man who he was.

"What?" emille tilted his head. The man repeated it. "They take the strongest." Was all he could say and stick out his arm was all he could do. Emille just ignored the delusional man. He grabbed the bars and violently shook. They rattled and the sound bounced off the walls amplifying it. The old man cringed and disappeared back into the darkness. Emille heard a door open. He let go of the bars.

"Hey!" A deep voice bellowed and it sent a chill down Emilles spine. He took his hands off the bar slowly and backed up trying to act like nothing had happened.

"Whose making that noise?!" The voice yelled. Emille still couldn't see him but knew he was close. The hall was silent. The person began walking down the hall, but was he a person? Emille looked away at the man who was in fact the exact opposite of the older man. He was huge. His arms looked like tree trunks and emille could've sworn his neck was consumed by muscle. He was wearing thick torn pants but one leg was rolled up revealing a metal bionic leg that was scraped and rusted. His hair was long and black almost down to his shoulder blades. It looked greasy and gross. The face was bruised and battered woth scars, scratches and cuts. He had crooked and yelloe teeth and was missing an eye. His right hand was swollen and his left only had three fingers. The man walked up to the cell across from Emile.

"Was it you!" He yelled rattling the bars with his monster of a hand. The old man filled with fear and began whimpering like a lost dog.

"Answer me!" The Brute yelled. The man was stuttering and an sympathetic feeling washed over Emille. The man unlocked the cell and flung the door wide open. He grabbed the old man by his skinny arm and chucked him out of the cell on to the cold hard floor.

Emille acted like he wasn't paying attention like he couldn't see it. The freakishly large soldier pulled a shot gun from his utility belt that was strapped across his chest and loaded it. A massive shell popped out and clanged to the ground and as the shell bounced on the ground an adrenaline rush surged through Emilles veins.

"When you have no arm it'll teach you to answer me you son of a-"

"Wait!" Emille blurted out from full adrenaline but immediately regretted saying it. The old man was still terrified and klooked to emille with small scared eyes. The brute slowly looked to Emille, it was like a scene from a horror movie.

"Well well look whose talking, its a new shiny!" He bellowed in a deep voice chuckling to himself.

"I ..... Did it." Emille admitted bravely. The brute dropped his head in despair.

"Then ill have to blow your arm off first, lets get to know each other mate, what's your name?" He asked.

Emille knew the man was making a joke out of things. He was just trying to scare Emille and get in his head.

"I'm Emille." He said playing along. A sudden look of fear washed over the mans face. He took a step back and dropped his gun running for the exit.

What had just happened? Emille thought as he saw the man close the door to the halls. He had introduced himself like the man had wanted to. He grabbed on to the bars and rattled them again.

"Hey! Come back!" He yelled.

It was just silent. Had he scared them. The old man lay on the ground outside his cell still.

"What was that about?" Emille asked.

The man looked to Emille and looked like he was going to die. The man bolted into his cell disappearing into the darkness once again.

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