Paradise deep down

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The air became thick and dense. Emille smelt something in the air but wasn't sure what it was. The Cave walls were damp and small puddles had taken place in the cracked rocks. Water dripped from crevices. It was humid.

"Where are we?" Emille asked as cage turned again and they stepped over another puddle.

"Look at this." Cage spread his hands apart. Emille looked and couldn't believe it. Massive trees were growing around a huge clear blue lake of water. A stony wall came out of the lake and cascading down was water. Tropical plants grew on the lake shore. The air was filled with squawks and screeches of birds. It was damp and wet. The trees reached up so high Emille couldn't see the top. The cave had emptied out into a forest, but it was underground.

"What is this place?" Emille couldn't help but smile. Cage walked out of the cave and stepped down some stones on to a rock surface that was smooth. Crystals gleamed from the little rays of sun that managed to find there way down here.

"Most people call it the triton oasis." Cage said as he took off his shoes. "When you get down low enough it just looks like green water surrounded by canyon but if your lucky and choose a random cave you'll most likely end up arriving at an oasis, there all over the place." Cage said now taking his shirt off.

"Your swimming?" Emille asked looking around unsure of this place.

Cage took a running start and leaped into the water doing a perfect dive with almost know sound. Emille had a clear view as cage flew through the water like Torpedo. he surfaced shaking his head, letting the water fly off his hair. "If Briston wants to catch you he'll have to jam a helitank into that cave or he has to fly all the way back to the top of the canyon, over the rock wall then come back down here without hitting a tree, so in conclusion yes I am swimming." He smiled submerging himself under water. Emille knew he was right. The chances that the government could get any soldier here was slim and even if they marched them through the cave they could just hide in the forest.

Cage surfaced again. He looked to where Emille had been just moments before but now the rock shelf was empty. For a brief moment concern filled his mind, but it quickly went away as he heard a howl. He turned around as Emille swung from a thick green vine let go doing a flip before performing a perfectly executed dive. Cage turned away as a wave of water washed over him. Emille came to the surface smiling.

"I haven't swam since everything started." Emille thought way back. Cage was confused.

"What do you mean since everything started?" Cage asked sliding on to his back.

"I was on a mission with my squad before I knew anything about anyone I was separated with everyone after crossing a rapid, the current took me and two other soldiers down the river before spitting us out and then everything began falling into place." Emille explained.

"Interesting story, but lets just relax were on a new world now. None of that old earth stuff matters now." Cage laughed.

Emille cupped his hands and dumped it over his head. It was nice to just relax for once. He looked around at the clear blue water. It was like there wasn't any water at all it was that clear. The water fall stretched up for meters just dumping more water in.

"Look down!" Cage yelled. For a moment Emille got nervous thinking that a massive shark or something was going to kill him but then he saw it. Thousands of tropical fish swam below him. He saw the colour coral embedded on to the stones. He couldn't help but smile.

"Cool eh? No one knows how they got down here." Cage said as he climbed out of the water. Emille liked this place a lot.

"How'd you find out about this place?" Emille asked as he swam back to the rock shelf lifting himself out.

"When I was seven years old me and my parents were transported here. My parents found out from people who had arrived before us so we took a speeder down here almost everyday." He explained. Emille listened carefully.

"Can I meet you-" Emille stopped asking the question as he read cages face. His parents were dead.

"How?" Emille changed the question. Cage grabbed his shirt and slid it back on.

"Briston told me it was a natural death but I know he killed them, it was something about them stealing medicine to keep me alive." Cage just waved his hand in the air like he didn't care. Emille still needed answers and had lots of questions which continued to pile up.

"How large are these oasis'?" Emille looked back to the large trees surrounding the water.

"The biggest ones are only five or four kilometres wide and long, this one doesn't go to far into the trees before hitting the canyon wall." Cage replied. He then walked over to one of the trees and climbed up a few metres before disappearing into the leaves. Emille watched as the tree shook and watched as cage jumped back down holding two small red oval like balls in his hand. He tossed one to Emille and then realised what it was. Fruit.

He waited until cage took a bite of his just to make sure he wouldn't die. Emille dug his teeth into it and felt the juices drip into his mouth. He hadn't tasted something this good in..... He hasn't ever tasted something this good.

"How do we get out?" Emille asked as he quickly ate the rest of the fruit and threw the brown spiky core into the forest.

"Usually I have a speeder." Cage said taking another bite of the fruit. "It's near impossible to climb the canyon." Cage said.

"I don't care what it takes for us to get out but when we do were finding Julie first." Emille looked at cage straight in the eye and he looked back. Cage knew Emille wasn't kidding around.

"You don't care what it takes?" Cage asked moving forward. Emilles voice dropped to dead seriousness.

"No." He firmly said. Cage smiled before throwing a punch at Emilles head. In reflex Emille caught it and held it.

"What are you doing?" Emille asked. Cage ripped his away from Emille.

"If you don't care what it takes, your leaving dead mate." Cage threatened. He threw another punch but Emille ducked and retaliated throwing a punch at cages abdomen. Perfect cage thought. He caught Emille by the arm and twisted it bringing Emille right close. He turned him into a head lock and squeezed his neck feeling the muscles slowly loosen before Emille went totally unconscious.

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