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It's on the Eve
woke up on the floor after I hit the hay, my room's empty,clock's ticking
first thing I see is the painted pain on the ceiling of my mansion
skimmed the surface of the book then I prayed to the Lord, it's not in my dream that I learned to make a rod to control all my emotions
you can say I'm getting off the hook, but my scars speak loud
I plucked up my courage and took the plunge
but took me long to hit the ground running
raised from the dire place,see me gunning
took off my pride,I hit my stride
then got the bit between my teeth 
I assert that I will pay a fleeting visit
tell you how I learned to do this
raise up from your seat,dont need
you jump out of your skin,keep
the lines as it is spick and span
I give you piece of advice,quit the fun run
pray this won't be just water off a duck's back
pay homage,be cordial when I come back on Easter,all are equal
show no bias to the ones that claim to be a boss,just watch your back
you live a life devoted only to the moment,fixed on it
you have the attention on span of gebril, then you get tired to be responsible
blind faith for the devil, great, will lure you 'till you rue the day you were guillible
I tell,change your mind,be nowhere that makes you embarrassed to tell
but you try find a shady spot to hide your warts and all ,to drown your sorrows and lock yourself in the cell, choose solitude
you play games then think you have no hope in hell, blame it on all
take every arrows to your chest 'till it bleeds deeply, now it weighs so much to breathe
see the risks are skin-deep,it's chancy to deal with mental health
I woudn't touch the dark side with a ten-foot pole 
pay your dues and will be back in the saddle
play your cards right,dont lose the line of sight
take a ride, learn to take criticism in your stride
hop in the driver's seat from the back,don't stay in the middle
have it all balanced Mate, this is clear as a bell
now I don't wanna barge in so don't keep me on your doorstep!


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