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I exhale out my Anger
It's same thing to inhale
I'm Just panting
can I say I'm breathing
My Fear disappearing
I'm loosing My friends
Took piercing look at em
The way I look at to myself
When you're bout to hand it em
Eyes digging deeply into his
But mine is full of Anger
All I see in em is tear
I told myself " you're the one for me
Who would be the one travelling with me
you had eyes only to see me
Arms only to guard me
A thing only to be with me"
Ugh it's hard to breath
Anger pushes me forward
When I'm low n tired
Lemme notice you
Its in Control, no worry my friend

Stage is set,Anger came to the couch
Fear will be fading away to the basement
I got Anger inside
You don't know what
It feels like
I'm trying to mask it
I'm trying to embrace it
sometimes It's liar and Monster
It wakes up for a moment
Takes all the Smile Away
Now it's taking nap
Don't be scared
Now it's chained
Fear it ,when it
Breaks the chain
and when I let it out...

Chery :/

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