chapter 2

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"8 come with me" the man says as he grabs my arm. I look back at 6 and he gives me a worried look.

The man brings me to a room with other people wearing white lab coats. They sit me in the chair and put large cuff around my arms, wrists, and ankles. I see this different man hold a large syringe and I feel it dig into my thigh and I scream from the pain. I can barely hear 6 screaming back my number.

I shoot up and look around panicking.

"Holy shit.." I whisper and brush a hand over my thigh.

"What happened? are you okay?" Peter whispers back as I lay back down. I didn't think I would wake him up, but he must be a light sleeper

"Yeah just a bad dream, it's fine I get them a lot" I inform him.

"Okay, well you're safe here now" he says as he puts his arm around my waist and gently rubs my stomach. For some reason this gives me butterflies. The comfort helps me descend into sleep.

Peter's alarm goes off at 6 am. he groans and rolls over to turn it off, then turns back over and closes his eyes.

"Should we be getting up now?" I turn over to ask him.

"No we don't have to, it's a Saturday so we can sleep in" he tells me and we fall back asleep.

After a few more hours of sleep I feel Peter's hand brush some hair out of my face, I hear his thoughts admiring me and I blush and open my eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" he asks, concerned.

"Yeah but it's fine, it was probably time to wake up anyways" I say and reach my hand up to his arm, which is still on my face.

"Oh I'm sorry a-again" he says and moves his hand from my face.

"No, no it's fine. I like it" I say and he lets out a breath he seemed to be holding in, waiting for my reaction.

He moves his hand to my waist again and we stare at each other for what felt like an hour but it was actually like 2 minutes.

"So.. your nightmares? Do they happen every night?" he says and I sigh.

"Yeah pretty much, sometimes multiple times a night" I say breaking our eye contact. I think he can sense this is a sensitive topic for me so he is being very delicate.

"Have you told anyone else about them?"

"No.. just you" I say, rejoining our eyes.

"What- what are they about?" he asks slowly.

"Peter, I don't really want to talk about this right now" I say looking away again.

"Okay sorry, do you want to get breakfast now?" he asks me and I nod. We get up and hear a knock on his door and he opens it. Oh no, it's my mom.

"Hi mom" I smile and say to her.

"Hi honey" she says with a smile, "I knocked on your door and you didn't answer so I figured Peter would know where you are and you were in here"

"Did you need something?" I ask her.

"Yes, I made breakfast and was wondering if you wanted some" she gestures to me and Peter.

"Sure mom, that sounds good" I say and I can tell she is trying to get in my mind, so I let her.


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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