YOU WERE FAR TOO DOWN THE LINE OF BREAKING— the tipping point was where you'd situated yourself, one more push and you'll crumble. time was never-ending, so was the mark that came to bear itself down your nimble skin. time was never-ending, so was the meager speck that came to decide of your destiny with your significant other.
your expression was that of confusion whenever your gaze lingered for more than a second at the symbol, why is it an infinity? in a world where everything revolved around time, the same time humans came to create and make existence of, why exactly was yours infinite?
you can't help but think that maybe you were alone after all, that you'd been casted as someone with no soulmate, and for you-- well, that was fine. in a world where soulmates mattered the most, where they defined the bonds you have with another person, perhaps not having to trouble yourself with one wouldn't be so bad.
yet the moment you'd pierced your eyes at his, everything went black. why was his an infinity too? you wondered. it was eating you up inside, more than you would have hoped so. was he your soulmate? or did he really have a proper mark, just at a different place?
you promised yourself you wouldn't interfere any further, but with the way your footsteps heavily resonated itself throughout, you thought otherwise. perhaps you were desperate for a soulmate after all.
your feet hastily thrashed against the old plaftform of the station, hands hopelessly reaching out for the door. but before you could have done so, the doors of the train shut off, not allowing entrance any further. to think you were so close to catching him.
you watched as the train rode off, a disheartened feeling settling down the pit of your stomach. you hadn't know why you were so dejected, when there was no guarantee he was your soulmate; you only happened to have glanced at the mark on his neck briefly.
yet you felt it-- a loud beating throb.
somehow keeping the incident etched onto your brain, fate seemed to have held onto it tightly too.