Prologue: The Start

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"Good evening fine ladies and gentlemen," the man who had said this clearly didn't mean it. In fact you couldn't call him a man. His eyes were grey and they were the type of eyes that bored into yours and bored you. His hair was blonde. He was in his late twenties only twenty-seven years old. This man was Reece Fletchers the leader of the great sixteen. In other words the leader of the great criminal organization named Daredevil. The great sixteen were the Chief Executive's it was a group of eight men and eight woman. But there was nothing interesting and great about any of them, unless you find terrorism and killing for money interesting. "Let's get straight to the point shall we, so our clients have asked us to destroy a part of the British countryside named "Exert" it's quite a small town, I don't think we'd have any problem. Let's talk money, we have a cash prize of a hundred thousand pounds. Exactly at three o'clock tomorrow morning a bomb will have exploded in Exert. There'll be shooting and no one can survive no matter what we'll pick them off if they escape, " Fletchers explained, after no one responded to his attempt of greeting everyone, not that he expected anything from these people, they weren't friends, they were colleagues. The way he talked "our clients" he didn't mention anything. In their line of work your client stays unnamed and safe. You are primarily responsible for the issue, no one else. Not that anyone could've heard. The walls were twenty-five metres of concrete steel, sound and bullet proof and the windows that had views of absolutely nothing but steel were also bulletproof. The door needed a fingerprint scan, retina scan, swipe ID and if they had got that far without being obliterated by lasers they needed a key. A woman nodded,

"Of course Fletchers I should alert some of my lower tier assasins," she replied not adding more information. She would be been killed if she had, that's how Daredevil worked. Fletchers held up one finger on his left hand and two fingers on his right to signal that twelve people would be needed, he didn't look up though. The woman's name was Sabrina Winters, she was twenty-six, also blonde haired, with sea blue eyes, but she was also very fit. Her hair was long, all the Chief executives knew she was having an affair with Fletchers, but mentioning this was the equivalent of asking to die. She looked like a model which made her so useful when it came to assassinating men. She found it fascinating how quick they tell for her charms. She had once worked in the CIA but now she was working for the dark forces. She left the room going through all the security checks. Fletchers was extremely well built, muscular and a crackshot. You did not want to meet him one on one (unless you work for Daredevil of course) if you saw him and you weren't close to him it'd be the last thing you'd see, he had spent thousands of hours in the gym and was at peak physical condition. The meeting ended there was no more need for talking. But then it happened,


Chase Washington was an ASIS double agent, the Australian secret intelligence service. He left the room before heading to his flat. He contacted his employers about Daredevil's plan. He assassinated nineteen Australian police officers to make sure Daredevil took him in, he was thirty-four. "Yes get your top men and women round at Exert bring sixty it's five times our amount as their's, plus they'll probably bring reinforcements, Daredevil are careful they make no mistakes. Yes bye," he had alerted the ASIS to connect him with MI5. He was safe. Or so he thought...

"I always knew you were special Washington and I also knew there was something up about you, I'll alert Fletchers about you, but first I must kill you, I have another person to replace you in the great sixteen," it was the man that was only known as "Target Man" that's what everyone called him. He obviously lived up to his name, exactly twenty two intelligence agencies were after him, only six of them government independent. He fired a bullet, he was using his favourite weapon, a German built semi-automatic pistol, 13mm, sending bullets flying at two hundred miles per hour. But something extraordinary happened, the bullet rebounded, not only one but six, Target Man fired six times. Of course, he should have known, transparent, bulletproof, armour plated glass inbetween the two of them, only Chase could cross the glass with his swipe ID. He left the building, his name wasn't really Chase Washington, it was a fake identity for this exact situation (having to escape from Daredevil). His name was Liam Scarcet. He had to leave Amsterdam instantly before Daredevil checked everyone who left the country and found him. If that happened he would simply die.

Sounds of death: Assassinationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن