You can run but you can't hide

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They drove off into the night ...

Shane was exhausted from all the action of the past day, his head throbbing badly and his neck was worse than ever! Could his life get any more worse and dangerous. Shane didn't know anything about this people, but whoever they were, they were people that didn't give up. They had been given orders for no one to survive the disaster at Exert, but somehow Shane had got out. They would not rest until they killed him. Where were the even from? Could it be just yesterday he'd been wrapped up busy in FIFA 16? Starting up with career mode (bringing Manchester United to the glory they deserved), then talking with Kyle about FIFA 17 that was to come out in September. Could it even be that he had been messing about with his Ultimate Team, Kyle on his PS4 trying to buy TOTS Ronaldo, while he wanted to get TOTY Messi? It seemed so long ago, why had it been him to suffer? What had he done to deserve this? He wasn't even capable of looking after himself, he was extremely lucky to still be alive! He didn't even know how he did it, he just did! Luck was on his side, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't always be. As if reading his mind the man said, "Nice trick with the oil Hughes ingenious, I was watching, I never expected that from a twelve year old!" He was obviously trying to reassure him that he was good but Shane still smiled, he had done something good to keep him alive, two of their men had died. It could've been a second, a minute, maybe an hour. A day even, a week maybe. Could it have been a month? A year, a decade possibly. A century? A millennium, Shane didn't know but somehow Shane managed to fall asleep. This was one that he wouldn't wake up from for ages ...


The woman tutted and looked at the hopeless boy who was twisting, wincing and turning every five seconds. He was feeling extraordinary pain. She didn't take his mask off though, she found it unnecessary. To her colleagues she was only addressed as "The Psychologist" she was a mastermind when it came to torture. She had been told that the boy has failed, she done her job with no questions asked. On occasional weekends her society would take a hostage and the students at the society's school would go on a trip to her lab and get to witness various torturing techniques. If someone was really naughty they'd have the techniques used on them. She wouldn't say she enjoyed her job, it was just something she had to do. The boy was being put in a completely different reality, with special equipment, The Psychologist could watch but she didn't want to. He was being executed by Daredevil, Shadow was being told that he couldn't do anything right, just as he'd die, she'd take the special headset off. He'd failed, he needed to be punished. After half an hour she took it off, "How was that?" She asked, smiling she knew Shadow was scared.

"I wouldn't say it was good but it managed to tell me you have little time left," he replied, his voice as cold as the top of Mount Everest.

"What do you mean?" She responded, puzzled at how Shadow wasn't on his knees begging for forgiveness.

"Those who torture are only counted as weak trash," Shadow said calmly, his voice colder than ever.

"Those who fail their mission are worse than weak trash!" The Psychologist told him.

"Those who torture me are those who beg for death," Shadow shot back, instantly swinging a punch towards her face, before lashing out just below her waist, where her gun was. The gun fell back and Shadow picked it up, he wouldn't be needing it. He continued, "You're quite lucky, I'm not going to shoot you, or stab you," he added the last part, gesturing at the knife that he always kept in his pouch, which was now in his left hand. "The way I'll kill you won't even involve touching you, you are lucky. I know how great you are at torture, but all your methods aren't as deadly as the one I'll use on you!" .

By now the woman was crying, begging Shadow not to do anything. Shadow didn't take pleasure in this, she looked hopeless, she didn't know what he was about to do.

Sounds of death: AssassinationWhere stories live. Discover now