Story Time

25 7 21

So lets start....

Back in summer of 2019, I went to Guatemala City with my aunt to escape my home country and spend some time in another country. And I had also gotten in trouble like 3 weeks before so it was a great escape.

This trip would last an entire week and the drive from the border of my country to Guatemala city was 14 hours long not including the additional 2 hours it took to get from my haus to the border and I live on the other side of the country ghjgfjkfds.

So anygays, we started the journey at 3am from the Guatemalan border and i read a ton of fanfics in the bus while listening to nct 😌✨

Take note, my aunt was going for church convention reasons and everyone in the bus was going for the same reason and then there was me....

The only unholy betch who was reading gei books with smut and listening to sAtAnIc muzik (pls all the holy peeps ive met call kpop satanic)

And that morning i was also real damn sad because NCT Dream's song Boom was supposed to come out that day and i wouldnt be able to see it 😭

Unless i got weefee.....

so minutes to 10, we arrived at a restaurant to eat breakfast and i noticed we could get free weefee there so obviously i connected and my breakfast arrived and i was just done eating and suddenly i got a notif saying "NCT DREAM BOOM OFFICIAL MV RELEASED 17 SECONDS AGO" from twitter and you never saw someone FLY FASTER

i flew to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall and played the mv immediately. I was fawkin' dying in a Guatemalan bathroom that was located in the middle of literal no where

no fr.... that restaurant was literally a solid hour from any source of human interaction like.... idek

and so i was just playing the mv for the 2nd time when my aunt came banging on my door and telling me the bus needed to leave immediately if we wanted to arrive at the country's Capital in time and i was like

"hold on im using the bathroom" when in reality i was standing in there playing Boom and she was just like

"hurry up the bus needs to leave RIGHT NOW"

and i was like "AHHHHSJKHXD" inside my brain and took my precious time streaming the mv 3 more times, liking their posts on twitter and insta, and downloading the song 😭

And when i was FINALLY done, the entire bus was so damn upset and looked like they were gonna throw me away BAHJKSHKJX

And so das the story of how i delayed an entire bus just because NCT is my priority and they deserve all my attention

BAHAHAHA one of my proudest moments 😭 next time i shall tell yalls the story of how i accidenatlly blasted 127's song "Lips" in the entire mall 😌

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