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Received: Hey, it's Dex...you gave me your number over at Mia's. I was wondering if you would like to meet up for lunch sometime? I'm only in New York for three more days. Would love to see you again. 

I smiled and quickly texted back the model that I had met at Mia's apartment. I had agreed to meet him for lunch for the following day, since I had made plans with Nate prior to his text message. I was waiting around for him in his office, he was finishing putting together a deal and was talking to his main manufacturer. I was sitting on the corner of his desk looking around at everything, the walls were bare, and there was nothing really special about the room. The other guys had put up pictures, and stuff that represents them. The only thing that Nate had was a picture of the two of us by his computer. We had just made plans to go grab lunch, and then shop around, but I had a better idea.

"Alright, thanks man," Nate hung up the phone and let out a loud sigh. I looked over at him and he gestured for me to come sit on his lap. "You ready to go?"

"I think I have a better idea," I said smirking. His eyes dilated and a wicked grin grew on his lips before he began to attack my neck in kisses. "No! Not that," I giggled. "Let's do something to this place," I said hopping off his lap. "We can paint the walls, get a couple pictures hanging up in here - make it lively."

"Yeah?" He asked standing up from his chair. "What are your ideas?"

"I don't know, let's just go look around and see if we can decide on anything," I shrugged. He nodded and grabbed his phone and wallet off of his desk and I followed him out. He locked everything up and kissed my cheek before we headed out to the bustling New York streets. He decided to take the company vehicle and we walked into a couple different department stores. We were supposed to be finding things for his office, but we had somehow made it over to the clothing section and I was trying on many different outfits. "How about this?" I walked out of the dressing room in something that a seventy year old grandmother would wear.

"I love it," Nate said without any emotion. "I mean you are really killing that grandmother look. Right on," he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm really feeling it," I smirked causing him to laugh. I began to head back for the changing room and Nate of course tagged along. I glared at him when I realized he was in there with me, and he wiggled his eyebrows with a sly smirk on his face. While I was taking off the horrible floral patterned skirt, Nate took it upon himself to squeeze my butt causing me to jump and fall up against the wall. He was snickering and I punched him in the arm. 

"Oh, you wanna play like that?" He whispered pinning me against the wall.

"Let go of me you fuck," I giggled lightly. He began to bite on my neck and I was trying to control my moans since the rooms next to me were filled. He stuck his hand down the front of my underwear and began to rub causing me to suck in air sharply through my teeth while I leaned my head back with my eyes tightly squeezed shut. "Stop," I whined quietly.

"Everything alright in there?" There was a knock on the door from one of the employees.

"Y-yeah, everything is great," I choked out while Nate picked up the speed of his rubbing. There we were in a crowded, public dressing room and he was teasing me in the worst way. I was a quiet moaning mess, and after I finally came I was breathing so hard while my body pulsated and shook. "I hate you so much," I said causing him to chuckle. He helped me back into the holographic circle skirt that I wore, and he kept slipping his hand it to squeeze my but while I put on my top. 

"I like this," he said gesturing towards the skirt. "It's weird."

"Just like you," I grinned. I poked my head out of the dressing room to see if the coast was clear, and when it was I grabbed Nate's hand and we darted out of there. Of course we ran into a couple young girls on the way out, and they had to make a big commotion out of a guy being in the ladie's changing room.

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