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"Yay! Three person party!" I yelled as I pretended to dance. I was forcing Nate and Gilinsky to help me in my plan to ruin the mood for Sammy and Lindsay. None of us were really sure what to do, and it would be too suspicious if we 'accidentally' walked in on them. So we did what we thought was best - hallway bowling. Gilinsky brought up empty beer bottles and we arranged them how the pins were at the bowling alley. Then, we used a random baseball that was in Kenny's room for the ball. "These are so going to shatter," I said referring to the bottles.

"It's a good thing they're empty then, huh?" Gilinsky smirked at me causing me to laugh. "Alright, who is going first?"

"Remember, we have to be as loud as we can," I whispered to both of them. They nodded and I took a deep breath. "I will go first," I said, nearly shouting.

"Alright, Philly Eaton. Going in for the kill, how many will she take out?" Gilinsky was acting like he was some sort of sports announcer, and I couldn't help but laugh a little when Nate joined in.

"I don't know, Gilinsky, but she is looking pretty cute tonight if I must say," Nate mocked Gilinsky's tone and I blushed. I rolled the baseball, and knocked over five of the bottles. They didn't break, but they made a loud clanking noise against the floor. We all cheered at the same time, and we kept this up with every time. We even played music obnoxiously loud, we were either going to block Sammy, or get the cops called on us. 

"Guys, what the hell?" Sammy's door opened and he stood in the door way in only his boxers. Mission accomplished. "What are you guys doing?" We stayed quiet, unsure of who should answer, and of course Nate and Gilinsky just had to look over at me. 

"Oh, hey...didn't know you were home," I said in an uneven tone. 

"Where are your pants?" Gilinsky asked. We were all playing dumb and innocent, hopefully it worked. "Wait, dude were you about to get it in?" 

"Um, I have to go," Lindsay appeared behind Sammy, and she was trying to fix her hair. 

"Wait, why?" Sammy asked looking a little disappointed. 

"It's getting really late, and I don't have my key to the apartment, so my only hope of getting back in is if my roommate is awake or not," she explained. She was always a terrible liar. "I'll call you tomorrow," she kissed his cheek. It was obvious that he was upset, and I felt bad.

"I'll show you out," I shrugged. Nate raised his eyebrow at me, and Lindsay looked around before shrugging and nodding. When we were outside of the door she turned around to face me before she walked over to the elevator. 

"I know what you're doing," she said. "And trust me, I'm good at covering stuff up. You aren't going to be able to prove anything. And when you do prove it, he'll be too far in love with me to even care. He'll have an ultimatum, you guys...or me. All I have to do is keep fooling him into thinking I care. I actually thank you for interrupting us. I can't have him in love with me...yet," she smirked and my blood was past the point of boiling - it was in flames. 

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that?" I smiled. "If you hurt him, I will end you. I hope the elevator breaks, and you're trapped and you fucking rot in there. Bitch," I walked back into the house and slammed the door behind me. All of the guys were standing there wondering what had happened, but I just pushed past them and walked back to the bedroom, and locked myself inside.


The next morning I didn't say a word to any of the guys. I sat on the couch watching re-runs of I Love Lucy, and when Nate said he had to take care of a couple things I just responded with a nod. Sammy and I were the only ones home, and I so badly wanted to tell him what she had said to me. But he would think I was just crazy, and wouldn't believe me. I had to find a way to prove it, and that's exactly what I planned to do. 

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