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"I know things are going to change with the wind. A new era is coming. I can feel it, Sephiroth," Genesis says quietly. He turns to face me and smiles.

"Possibly," I reply. I look down from the balcony we stand on.

Below us, Midgar is spread out. Every building and every street can be seen from up here.

I lock my eyes on an alley where children play. My chest aches at the sight. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Perhaps Genesis is right.

Things in Midgar are finally settling down now that the wars are over.

I open my eyes and turn to Genesis. "I have something to ask you."

Genesis' eyes darken. He knows exactly what I'm going to ask him. "Sephiroth, I knew this day would come. Tell me why you want her."

I sigh. "I love Ariadne. Why else would I ask for your permission to marry her? Are you seriously being this overprotective? You have known me since childhood," I reply. I run a hand through my silver hair. I cannot believe this.

Genesis smirks and then laughs. He's getting extremely annoying. "My friend, you know I'm not the one to ask. I have always approved of you, but you should check with her. You know I cannot marry her off without her consent."

"Are you two already deciding the little lady's fate?" Angeal strides in. He's the eldest of the three of us. He runs a hand through his black hair and looks between us.

I steel my resolve and walk past Angeal. I smile to myself.

Things are changing in Midgar. They will get better.

The feeling of hope is in the air and it's ripe and fresh.

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