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       Well hey guys here's this story i'm writing I hope you guys like it.

        I've always wondered what our reason is.... I know it's weird, but I can't help and this is what I write in my journal....

        Dearest Journal,

        What is our reason?

        Sadly, my journal doesn't know.

        Maybe I thought it would reply. I don't know like that one book from Harry Potter except without the evil part. I mean who doesn't want a journal that replies to you, you can take everywhere, and will always be with you (unless your in a fire-but it's magical so, yeah).

        I just don't know why we're alive- I mean seriously. We just popped out of nowhere? Or did an all powerful man just make us?- and why was it a guy?- did it have to be guy?

      And asking these questions to my  religious mother wouldn't be such a good idea-so I ask my journal.

        I write what I feel in it- that's why it's a journal. I also write my poetry in it- that I don't allow  anyone to read.

        I don't know how to describe myself. I guess you could say.... I have hair, two eyes, fingers, arms, eyebrows etc.

        I'm not going to say I have cerulean blue eyes- what ever that is! Or chocolate brown eyes. I have shit colored eyes and a big nose, brown hair with bleached tips (that my mother just realized I have- although she doesn't know I died just asks why it looks whiter and uglier).

        I'm just a normal (probably bipolar) teenager.

        I like certain bands that I listen to-I think some of the bandmates are cute and stuff.

        Yeah i'm surprised i'm a writer too I give bad descriptions. JK.I'm pretty good at them- if I work hard enough- which I don't.

        And don't go calling me cocky either- I just know my talents- I just don't use'em.

        I'm Hispanic, and so is my family (obviously). I have alot of cousins,uncles, and aunts. A brother and two sisters.

        I have three best friends Annie and Deylie and Layden. We've all known each other since we were in our diapers, shitting and peeing our days away.

        Annie is blonde with blue eyes and is well, really pretty. She's also on the cheerleading squad- she's captain.She has the best sense of fashioin and I, for one think that's just cliche' but well what can I do she has the most amazing personality and I wouldn't be me with out my besties.

        Then there's Deylie.

    Brunette with hazel-yellow eyes and slim, athletic figure. She plays basketball,soccer,tennis, and she's in cross country. She loves sports (duh) and has straight A's.

        I love them so much.

        There's also Layden (he's my gay bestie). He loves to be lazy and is the most adorable thing ever! He has two dimples (where as I have 1, 1!). He's the most sweetest lovable guy.

        Some people might say i'm weird, but people love me for it. They think i'm funny and crazy- which I am (especially when I drink coffee- which I love!).

        I'm curious (which gets me into some trouble) and I love to talk to myself. I can't help- I just do.

        Oh yeah! I forgot to say my name-" oh na na what's my name." (It"s Loreli!).

        Probably should of mentioned it before but, as everyone knows i'm very dumb! Or did I not mentioned that? Well i'm dumb so- yeah!

        I'm not that dumb though- I have my talents (as I mentioned).

        "Loreli!" my mom screams.

        "Que!!!" [what!!!!] I scream back.

        "Nada,Olvida lo!!" [nothing, forget it!!] she screams back.

        Then why the fuck did you call me?


        Are computers racist?

        Who created steriods?

        I wonder if computers are racist? I mean could they be? I wouldn't know... can they see? I think they might be able to.

        Ugh. I just don't know there's so many questions yet so little answers.

        You know what sucks is I don't have a cellphone..... I can't talk to my friends! Argg!

        Hey! When did I become a pirate?

        What would happen if a pirate smoked weed?

        What would happen if my sister found this journal and translated it to my mom

        Where would I hide her body?

        Is this why I don't have a boyfriend?

        Probably- i'm not that ugly. At least I think....

        I should call Layden on my house phone!

        I'm really bored....

        Can boredom kill you?

        I get out of my room and head to the kitchen and grab the house phone from the counter and dial Layden's number.

        *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

        Come on pick up yu ol' fart!




        I'll call him later, and so I hang up the phone.

        I'll just hangout with myself then.

        "I'M ALL ALONE, THERE'S NO ONE HERE BESIDE ME!!!!!!!!!" I began shouting.

        "LORELI!!!!!!!!!!!! PARA DE GRITAR!!!!!!" [STOP SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!] my mom shouts-shouts.

        "Ok!!!!" I scream in spanish (yeah in spanish, you can do that you know).

        Ugh. I have nothing to do all day.

        Ugh. Arg!!!!!!

        I guess i'm a pirate again.....


        Well there it is tell me what you think.... I hope you liked it! :) I might have had some         grammar  errors  but I hope you guys don't or didn't mind. So yeah.... :)













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