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Well here is chapter 3. Enjoy :)
I can't get him out of my mind.... Stupid Axel!
What sucks is he's not thinking of me right now like i'm thinking of him.... Erg.
Just no.
Ok whatever.
I need to stop thinking about his nice big hands grabbing my...
Why can't I sleep?
Oh yeah I forgot to mention it's like almost midnight....I get up and check my phone.... Nope nevermind it is midnight.... Fuck i'm not getting any sleep.....
I have school tomorrow!
It's just his hands... Could do so, so much.... So much....
And when he lifted his shirt by accident.... A heavenly accident....
No! Bad Loreli!
I don't like him.... I swear....
Om maybe not swear.... that's bad....
Ok I need to stop...
Stupid Axel!
I actually think the biology teacher ships us....Seriously....
We've been partenered up together for each lab experiment work thing since the beggining of the year....
I know my friends ship us.... Believe me.... Laxel I think....
No wait!
It was Axleli.
That's it!
I hate it.
I mean they think I like him just because I said I like his hands....
I should have never told them.
I just said I like his hands....
I never said what I wanted him to do with them...
That I want him to grab me and pull me in that locker room and.....
What the fuck?
Oh my phone ha lol.
Who the heck just texted me....?

Well I hope you enjoyed it.... I left a bit of a cliffhanger there.... Hehe...ok bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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