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       Well here's chapter two. I hope you guys like it!

         *BEEP* *BEEP* "I'm goin..." I say in a sleepy voice and begin rolling- and I mean rolling- out of         bed.

        *BEEP* *BEEP* "OKAY..... JEEZ!!" God! stupid alarm clock....

        I get up and begin looking for my towel, pink and white stripes- but I can't seem to find it. Where the flick crackers is it? Where did I put it? I'm gonna be late for school!!!

        "Mami..." I whisper when I see my mom "No puedo ayar mi tullía!" [I can't find my towel!] I tell her         whisper-screaming. "Yo no se... " [I don't know...] Well jeez your helpful! Can you smell the         sarcasm! (Like my freaking armpits!!)

        Since I can't find it i'll just get another one. I walk into the closet and begin looking and finally find         a white one.

        "Well this will do..." I whisper (my whole family's asleep) and head off to take a shower.

        You know I actually enjoy my shower time because I get to think... just think... and I really like         that.

        I wash my hair and other parts and think.

        What are we doing here?

        Why do we exist.

        Where do we go when we're dead?

        I think i'm creeping myself out... I need to stop!

        I hop out- and I mean hop (it's so cold!) and walk to my room.

        What do I wear?

        Let me see... how about some pants and shirt!

        I'm a genius.

        I put on my clothes and put my hair into two french braids. I really like french braids. I wonder if they really are from france. I mean, are they really? Has no one wondered this when they make them or when somebody is making them. I don't konw but i'm gonna be late so I bettter hurry up.

        *At school- First Period*

       God!-Archer needs to stop watching me he's creeping me out!

        "Becka" I whisper to my friend so he wont hear "Becka he wont stop looking- damnitt Archer!"

         She starts giggling as if it's the most funny thing in the world and I look at her- no,  glare- she laughs harder.

        "I hate you" I whisper and as I try to push her(of course) she moves and I fall on the ground- right at         Archer's feet.

        Of course- typical Monday morining- this would happen to me.

        "Hey Archer....." ackward- just ackward.

        "Hey Loreli" he says smirking "Clumsy I see- as always..."

        That little penis did not just say that!


        "Hah. Funny" I say sarcasticly

        "Well I have to go now......" and kill my friend "Bye" I say and head over to Becka.



        Hope you guys liked it- comment! Vote? Maybe? IDK.  I know it's short it'll be longer and get better- I promise! (Unless I die- you never know!) :)



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