Beltane at Beltane Manor

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It's Beltane of 2295 and All The Howard's come together to celebrate one of the most of significant Pagan Sabbats in their Wheel.  It will bring in Litha that is 45 days away and     represents Fire, The Sun,  Fertility, and New Life.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard and his Duchess, Lady Karissa invites everyone to celebrate Beltane at Beltane Manor and they come from The South, The West, and The East to celebrate Beltane.

The next time they will come together will be Mabon, The Pagan Thanksgiving that is on September 21,  following  Samhain to welcome in the New Year on October 31, and to remember their deceased love ones that have passed throughout the Year and have gone to Valhalla and after that they will come together for the 12 days of Yuletide from December 20 to January 1.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane turns 20 years old on Beltane. It is one of the milestones that Lady Karissa has waited for and along with that she is expecting her final child with Lord Charles Andrew  Howard III. 

One by one all the Howard's start to drive into Beltane Manor. The first one to arrive is Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane with her husband, Lord Richard Edward III and their daughter, Lady Karissa who is 45 days old along with Lord Richard Edward JR and Lady Suzanne.

The second one that pulls up in the driveway is Lord Patrick William and Lady Pauline Charlene with their daughters, Lady Alexandra Katherine and Lady Autumn Bridget from Cambridge Territory .

Lord Charles  Andrew Howard JR with his wife, Lady Sarah and their daughter, Lady Frederica Wilhelmina Howard drives  up to Beltane Manor in the carriage to be followed  Lord Henry Grey, his wife, Lady Georgiana with their three daughters, Lady Katherine Georgiana with her husband, Lord Timothy Christopher Beck, Lady Mary Henrietta who is engaged to Lord Frederick William Howard and Lady Mary Georgiana Grey.

The last ones to arrive is Lord Richard William Carey that drove to pick up his two of his second cousins, Lord Thomas William Howard and  Lord Frederick William Howard III who is engaged to Lady Mary Henrietta Grey.

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Beck nee Howard with her husband, Lord David William Beck with his father, Lord David William  Beck SR with his wife, Lady Katherine with their daughter Lady Davina has already arrived at Beltane Manor.

Outside waiting to greet them is Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann and Lord Andrew Charles with their children, Lord Andrew Charles age 15 years old,  Lady Caroline Matilda age 13, Lady Sophia Charlotte Dorothea age 10 years old,  Lady Anastasia age 9.5 years old, and Lord Richard William Carey JR age 6 years old.

Lady Karissa stands outside with Lord Andrew Charles  and Lord Charles Andrew  III as the carriages  start to arrive and as everyone gets out of their carriages and they walk up and exclaim. " Blessed Beltane everyone." 

Lady Elizabeth stands outside with her family holding their baby daughter, Lady Karissa Ann Howard who was born on Ostara of  2295 out at Wessex Manor.

Everyone bows and curtsy to Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa and Lady Karissa tells everyone "No formality today. This is Beltane and I don't demand it." 

Lady Karissa also invited Lady Theresa Hardwick to attend the festivities as she is the mother of Lady Anastasia Christina.

Lady Karissa as Lady Theresa walks over to Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Anastasia Christina  sees her mother and Lord Andrew Charles smiles and he tells her, " Go to your mother Lady Anastasia." 

Lady Anastasia Christine runs to her mother and she picks up and holds her close and Lady Karissa smiles as she sees Lady Theresa and Lady Anastasia are together. 

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