Chapter 1: The Hazardous Wastes, 2084

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Mario: It sure is a beautiful day today!

Luigi: Mario! You gotta see this!

Mario: What is it?

Luigi: This weird portal thingy!

Mario: Mama mia! Where does it lead?

Tawna: Why don't you two follow me?

Luigi: Okie dokie!

Insert Intro Here

Mario: Mama mia!

Luigi: This place is a complete wasteland!

Tawna: Okay, this place rules! Here, you may need this multiverse tracker.

Mario: It says this is the universe of the Hazardous Wastes, in the year of 2084.

Tawna, Mario, and Luigi explored the Hazardous Wastes.

Tawna: Whoa! Rad chainsaw!

Luigi: Mama mia! Look at the size of this truck!

N Gin: Attention minions, the bandicoots, baby, and dog are in sight! Start the Doom Rig!

Mario: Doom Rig?

Luigi: What's this?

Luigi connected the claw to the Doom Rig.

Luigi: Yes! That should do it!

Stewie: My God! Look at the size of that truck!

N Gin: Are you ready? Start! Your!

Mario and Luigi: Intervention!

Doom Rig: Just let me run them over!

Mario: Hold it together!

Coco: Guys, look out!

N Gin: Bwah?! Sabotage!

Luigi: Remember the steps, dude!

Crash, Coco, Stewie, and Brian ran from the monster truck.

Doom Rig: Just this once!

Stewie: Quick! Get inside!

The heroes went inside the hut.

Mario: Maybe this was a bad idea.

The Doom Rig was banging on the wall.

Stewie: Sorry, you'll have to come back later! We're trying to get a dark matter mask.

Luigi: We gotta get out of here!

Stewie: Let's go!

Doom Rig: Here's Doom Rig! Nuts! David Letterman!

Corvisquire: Hello, David, I'm Corvisquire!

Doom Rig: Shoot! I'm Mike Wallace! I'm Morley Safer, and I'm Ed Bradley. All this and Andy Rooney tonight on 60 Minutes!

Everyone: Run!

Brian: We need to get that mask!

N Gin: What's taking you imbeciles so long?! Your target's caged for cripes sake!

Stewie: Quick! Jump!

The heroes jumped to the other side.

Stewie: Whew! That was close!

Mario: Thank goodness they're safe.

Tawna: Just who are you two anyway?

Mario: I'm Mario!

Luigi: And I'm Luigi! And you are?

Tawna: I'm Tawna. You two can come along with me if you want to.

Mario: This universe is cool! I want to see more universes!

Luigi: Me too!

Tawna: Well, let's go!

Tawna, Mario, and Luigi teleported to another universe.

To be continued...

Next time Mario, Luigi, and Tawna will explore the Salty Wharf universe. See ya later folks!

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