Final Chapter: Cortex Island, 1996

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Luigi: Where are we?

Mario: This looks like the third island of the first Crash Bandicoot game.

Stewie: This is the universe of Cortex Island, set in the debut of the first Crash Bandicoot game, September 9th, 1996. No sign of Dr Cortex or Bertram. But I'm sure they're heading for the Past Dr Cortex. C'mon, guys! We got to let the Past Dr Cortex create Crash!

Bertram: Stewie Griffin! You're always so clingy!

Dr Cortex: Yeah! Take a hint already!

Past Dr Cortex: Who's on my super secret personal frequency?!

Bertram: Well, it's not a secret anymore.

Past Dr Cortex: What?! Who are these imposters?!

Bertram: He's you from the future!

Dr Cortex: We came to warn you about something!

Bertram: Don't you dare make Crash Bandicoot your General of your Cortex Commandos, or else that vortex rejects him!

Past Dr Cortex: Frauds! Fiends! Brio, alert the guards!

Stewie: That went well.

Bertram: Stay out of this, Stewie!

Brian: Let's go!


Luigi: What the heck?!

Mario: Why did that Lab Assistant fall off the laundry chute?

Past Dr Cortex: AUGH! Help! HELP!

Bertram: Quit your struggling!

Past Dr Cortex: Help! Anyone! We have an evil doppelganger and partner situation!

Moments later

Stewie: 😩 Almost there, guys.

Mario: Guys! Look!

Past Dr Cortex: 😔

Brian: We're... too late. They got the Past Dr Cortex already.

Luigi: How's that even possible?!

Bertram: That Past Dr Cortex is really stubborn, wouldn't you agree, Stewie?

Everyone: And he still is!

Dr Cortex: Shut up!

Bertram: We need to stop the Past Dr Cortex from making Crash, but we can't kill the Past Dr Cortex, because it would kill the Present Dr Cortex.

Dr Cortex: Then I thought, why not kill Crash first?

Bertram: Then I went along with his idea. The games are over, Stewie and Crash! It's time to die! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Dr Cortex: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Stewie: Get them, Crash!

After the battle

Dr Cortex: Not like this!

Dr Cortex was hit by 6 boxes.

Brian: Nice try, but you missed like 6 boxes.

Past Dr Cortex: Hmm, must've taken a hit to the old temporal lobe. But a fallen foe means only one thing... it came to blows and I WON!

Stewie: Sure. Let's go with that.

Mario: You know, maybe your general's first order of business should be to dispose of these imposters.

Past Dr Cortex: Good idea, red cap! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Stewie: We got to make sure there are no loose ends!

Past Dr Cortex: We are closer than ever before! Quickly! Into the vortex!

N Brio: But, Dr Cortex, the vortex is not ready! We have no idea what it could do! Heh heh heh ha ha ha ha!

Luigi: What does this button do?

Luigi pushed the button making the vortex reject the Past Crash Bandicoot.

Luigi: Oopsie!

Past Dr Cortex: Failure again!

Brian: That actually explains a lot.

Coco: Sure does.

Bertram: Ooh...

Akano: You two. Stay.

Stewie: As for you, Bertram!

Bertram: Please! No! We could work this out! Please don't kill me!

Kupuna-Wa: Someone needs a little timeout...

Stewie: For Bertram!

Stewie zapped Bertram out of existence.

Brian: Now for Cortex.

Ika-Ika: Enjoy the end of the universe!

Dr Cortex: No! No! AAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Mario: Can you send us back to the Mushroom Kingdom?

Lani-Loli: Sure!

Ika-Ika: Just go through that Quantum Rift, and you'll be back in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luigi: It's been fun exploring the multiverse!

Mario: Let's-a go!

Mario and Luigi teleported to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Mushroom Kingdom

Mario: Whew. Everything is back to normal.

Luigi: That was quite an amazing inter-dimensional adventure!

N Sanity Island, Present

Tawna: C'mon! Almost there, and...

Coco and Tawna: YES! Wumpa victory!

Coco: Crash, you're in!

Coco and Tawna: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Go!

Aku Aku: Ha ha ha ha.

Luigi: And by the way, the voice of Aku Aku: Mel Winkler has passed away. Rest in peace, pal.

The End

Hope you enjoyed the story and have a good day folks!

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