1.Death is a lie

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     I was expecting burning fires, and screams of pain. I knew I wasn't going to heaven, I'm not religious. I mean I've read all about the different religions but no connection to God, the almighty savior.Hell would of been nice instead of sitting in a black void. "Hello!"

     Wait, don't say hello, someone might answer. I'm gonna die. Again. Something started chuckling, "Well your certainly different." ! "Who are you?" It sounded male, middle age, and amused. "That is the great question: am I evil? Am I against god? Am I a murderer? Do I punish the living? Take them away from loved ones?"

     I thought for a moment "You're death." I could almost hear the pleasure in his voice, "You are a smart one. I knew I liked you. Right, you must have questions, you are a human after all." Okay ignore the offense. "Why am I here?"

     "I told you I like you." Helpful. "What does that mean?" I asked. He responded, "It means I send you to a, what you would call, fictional world, and enjoy watching you wreck havoc on on people's lives."

     "What world are you sending me to?" I could hear the shock in his voice when he questioned back, " You have no problems with me choosing?"  I gave him a brief smile, not knowing if he could even see it, " You're giving me another life. As long as I dont end up a stripper. I am perfectly happy with your choice."

     His booming laughter filled the black void I was in, "You are one special little human." I tilted my head to the side. "Am I really so different." It wasn't really a question, just a mere comment. I must have been different, my family hated me after all. My sister was even the cause of my 'accident'. She hated me the most, just for looking like her. I guess I wasn't the evil twin like my mother told everyone.

     I wonder if they even gave me a funeral. Probably, just to save their image of the perfect family. I was the odd one out. I hated attention, I preferred a quiet library. My photographic memory lived off of books, literature, poetry, fiction, languages, I loved them. My parents hated that I could be so accomplished. I just wanted to impress them. I learned everything just to impress them. 2021 just wasn't my year.

     "You shouldn't have needed to do all that." Death roused me from my own pity party. "What?". "They should have loved you. In this new life I want you to be happy and have a family who will love you. You will find friends and love, that will protect you." I gave the tiniest frown. "What about parents?", he gave a sigh that seemed to age him.

     "You're going to be Harry Potter. This harry is currently about to die from a beating his uncle gave him. In this universe, he was set to die but I can slip your soul in, and the body is yours." My frown seemed to grow, "I'll be a dude?" I thought about it, "ok".

     "Yay, this will be fun, it will be night time, I suggest not trusting Dumbledore." I nodded and replied, " Never did, he royally f'ed harry". He seemed happy about that from the mirth in his tone, " I'm adding some features to help you out, call it what you will. You won't be invincible, but hopefully Dumbledore can't touch you." I beamed, "Thank you!" "No problem, you will have a creature inheritance, kinda like the veelas." Cool. ( No soulmates or dom/sub, I'm not good at that.)

     "I need to send you to the body now." Before he could I asked, "Will I get to talk to you again?" It started getting brighter, and turning white. I heard his voice one more time, Yes, but others won't." I closed my eyes when it got to bright. My name was Sierra Johns. Now I am about to be Harry James Potter, and I am about to cause havoc and unleash chaos, all with a smile.

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