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It was amazing what you did.

I hear them chanting it over and over again in this chasm of the void. It was amazing what I did, did I? I remember pushing Inara through the portal, I didn't want her to join me, I was too consumed with the evil and that I wanted to save her because that's what I would do, used to do, and I very well know that it will kill her, and staying would kill me too.

It's just a matter of time if Inara will trust me again, in this plan I had in mind a long time ago, in this grand escape we're going to take to save everyone we love, to save Inara that I love, even if it's only me that's gonna die.

Will she trust me again? I don't know, but one thing's for certain...

I will die no matter what to save Inara.

To MY Best Friend OnlyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora