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This first chapter is going to be short. Sorry!

Those fucking Stark's don't die. Joffery seethed as he hacked at a few books in his chamber with Widow's Wail.

He could hear the scuffle of feet behind the door that led to his wife's chambers. He had no doubt that she had fled to the garden in fear that he would seek her out. It delighted him that he held such great power over someone.

His eye's dropped to the letter again. The first he had only gotten through the first paragraph before flying into a rage. The young wolf is alive. His eyes continued to the next. Jon Snow has proclaimed himself to be Aemon Targaryen and has laid a claim to the Iron Throne. Joffery almost laughed.

The Bastard of Winter as king? No, the people would never accept that. They would never believe that he was the long-lost son of Rhaegar Targaryen. Even if he was, which he most definitely wasn't, there was no possible way he could be trueborn, Rhaegar had already been married.

He moved on to the final paragraph. The Battle of the Bastards. Lord Bolton was dead, Winterfell and the North had fallen into the hands of the enemy. That information pushed Joffery back into a blind rage as he used his sword to tear his bed apart. The feathers fell to the floor like snow, only perpetuating his anger.

It was as if the gods were mocking him, reminding him of the Starks. Winter is Coming, he thought bitterly. Yes, Winter was indeed coming, for him and his crown. But even in the middle of winter, Kingslanding remained warm, the snow never able to stay for long and pile up. Would winter be able to survive in such a warm climate? No.

Joffery walked out onto his balcony, looking over the piss pot that was Kingslanding. His eyes fell to the courtyard, where the Kingslayer was mounting his horse, tumbling to get on with his want of a hand. Joffery laughed, amused by his struggle.

His dearest uncle was leaving for Casterly Rock. Joffery was told that he must attend to the duties of Lord Paramount, but Joffery had a feeling that the real reason for his uncle's departure was his mother. They had always been close, which made the growing distance between them apparent.

It made no matter to Joffery if his uncle left or stayed, if anything his departure was beneficial. It would help put those filthy rumors about his mother's infidelity to rest.

His eyes fell on Tommen and Marcylla. They cried softly. Marcylla's weakness, he could understand. She was a girl, but Tommen's? That would not do. He would have to teach his little brother about strength later. Joffery couldn't help but notice that his mother was not present.

Tywin stood behind his grandchildren, face blank and unreadable. Joffery would have to call a small council meeting and inform him of this new development regarding the Starks.

Joffery knew that Tywin would be able to crush them like he had crushed Robb's army. This time they wouldn't trust others. This time Joffery would kill the young wolf and the bastard himself. 

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