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Three weeks after the battle of the bastards

Winterfell felt empty. The castle itself was a mere shell of what it once was, but he found himself looking around every corner expecting to see Arya tormenting Sansa, Rickon tugging at Lady Catelyn's skirts, or Bran fleeing Maester Luwin's lessons.

Robb had insisted that he took over father's chambers. 'Uncle,' Jon mentally corrected himself. Jon couldn't bring himself to enter Lord Eddard's room. He walked to the door nearly daily but never stepped inside. For some reason, it felt as if he would be slighting the memory of Lord Eddard if he entered.

As a child, Lady Catelyn never permitted him to enter, why should now be any different? Even in death, she made him feel inferior. Even as a soon-to-be coordinated king, she made him feel like little more than a bastard.

Jon shook his head and moved past the room. He had a meeting to attend to. Lord Howland Reed had arrived and was waiting for Jon in the great hall. Every fiber in Jon's body hummed with anticipation. He believed Robb when he told him of his birth, but Howland Reed offered indisputable evidence. Jon wasn't sure if this news would secure his future or make it impossible for him to escape his destiny.

He knew that, if he truly was heir to the Iron Throne, he had a duty to the people of Westeros. He couldn't allow them to be ravaged by plague, famine, and violence under Joffery's tyranny. He also couldn't let the others kill every man, woman, and child on the continent. Despite honor and morality compelling him to fight against his enemies, part of him wanted to ask Asha to sail with him to the other side of the world for a quiet life.

He could already hear her laugh ringing in his ears if he ever asked her to do that with him. She would tell him how people like them were made for mundane lives, but it didn't stop him from wanting it. He knew that Robb warned him against falling in love. Who knew what kind of alliances he would have to make in the future? But for now, she made him happy and he could already feel the familiar pull to her that he had felt for Ygritte.

Jon pressed his hand against the heavy pine door. This was the moment of truth. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open, revealing Robb, Davos, and Asha sitting at the table with a small man sitting across from them. "Lord Reed." Jon greeting, forcing his voice to mimic the tone he would use as Lord Commander.

"Your grace." Lord Reed stood and bowed deeply. Jon hated the formality, but kept that to himself. "You look just like your mother." Howland's eyes shone as if he were thinking of a fond memory.

Jon felt his heart pound at the mention of Lyanna, a woman he could not remember but still left an imprint on his life. "Please, sit Lord Reed." Jon took his seat at the head of the table.

Howland obliged but pulled a chest out from under the table first. Jon could see the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen before he sat. "Lord Eddard entrusted this chest to me after we found Lyanna. I swore to never tell a soul of your birth and to never allow this chest to fall into the hands of the Baratheons or Lannisters." Howland explained, unlocking the chest and opening it. He pulled out some papers first, handing them to Jon. "These were letters between your parents."

Jon looked down and saw handwriting that reminded him of Arya's. He wanted to read every word on the paper this very moment but decided to wait for when he was alone. These letters may be the only way for him to get to know his parents.

Howland then pulled out a single document. "This is their marriage certificate." Jon took it. His breath hitched. This piece of paper proved everything. Nobody could doubt his birth now, not even himself.

"I also have a suit of armor that had belonged to Rhaegar, that is still at Greywater Watch. But, I have this as well," Howland pulled out a long dagger, the handle was made of dragon bone, and the metal detailing in the hilt was speckled with rubies.

The craftsmanship was beautiful, Jon turned it over in his hands. It was well balanced but made more for show than use.

"Thank you, Lord Reed," Jon whispered. He could feel the eyes of Davos, Robb, and Asha boring into him. He had so many questions that he wanted to ask Lord Reed but wanted to speak with him privately.

"It was my honor, your grace." Howland's smile was soft. "If you wouldn't mind, I've had a long journey." He stood.

"Of course." Jon stood as well. Howland bowed a final time before leaving the room. He looked around at his small council. "Thank you all for coming. You're dismissed." Jon felt a wave of exhaustion hit him. Davos nodded and gave Jon's shoulder a supportive squeeze before leaving. Robb gave him a soft smile before following Davos out. His eye's found Asha's.

"I'll be waiting for you whenever you're ready." She stood and walked over to him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before leaving as well.

Jon's eyes fell to the letters. It was odd how a few pieces of paper could hold an entire relationship. He had heard stories of his parents that had either idolized or villainized them. These letters would allow him to see their true selves. He picked the first one off the top and began to read his mother's writing. 

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