Niall's Girlfriend?!?

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Okay well everyone has heard about Nialls rumored girlfriend am I right? I think Nialler made a good choice. Shes pretty, and makes him happy. So that makes me happy. And for those people who are hating, & death threats?!? That isn't what the fandoms about. (Directioners) we support the boys like we have for the past 4 years. So you guys need to support Niall. And even though isn't 'official', Melissa has claimed they are dating. Nialls just waiting for the right time. As long as she doesn't hurt Niall there isn't no reason not to like her.

So I ship #Miall. I don't know if you do but hurting her will hurt Niall. And I don't want go hurt my world, our world to be hurt. Cause then it hurts us Directioners.


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