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Requested by deathfoundme...

ILY babe remember I am here when ever. Here's your request. ♡

This is going to be a little different and I like it (:


5SOS Girlfriends:

Michael's: Danny (aka deathfoundme)

Ashton's: Jasmine

Calum's: Taylor

Luke's: Olivia


Luke: Hello mates!

Mikey: EWWW it's Luke.

Luke: Rude :-(

Cal: I still like you Lukey (:

Cal: Just stop with the face.

Luke: Man I try to talk to you guys cause we haven't had a group chat in forever and you all are ganging up on me :-/

Ash: Hello

Mikey: Hey

Cal: What up?!

Luke: Well you all greet him very differently.

Mikey: Whatever.

Cal: So how are your girls?

Ash: Me and Jasmine are doing really good (:

Luke: Olivia and I just had our 8 month anniversary. :-D

Mikey: I banged Danny and she couldn't walk straight for 1 week.

Cal: Well me and Taylor are fantastic thanks for asking Michael.

Mikey: You see but I didn't.

Ash: Jasmine has me begging for daddy Ashton to come out ;)

Luke: Did you just admit to the daddy kink?

Ash: I only did for Jazz.

Cal: Man I swear. Taylor, That girl can play with mini Calum for hours. I can cum 5 times and she'll keep going.

Luke: Olivia is very dominant. And its the hottest thing. Like every time we do it. I can feel it twice as much. And its amazing.

Mikey: Well I just tease a lot. And I take it slow. And once she's about to come. I pull out. Wait for her to calm down. And fuck her like there's no tomorrow. (;

Mikey: You know I just don't really like Danny begging all the time. I kinda want her to play hard to get. But she makes it easy.

Luke: I feel you Mike. Sometimes I wanna be on top. Pleasure her. Love her. But no, girls always have it there way. And Olivia is so stubborn.

Cal: Taylor never lets me pleasure her. Which sucks cause I haven't gone down on her in months. As much as I love her mouth I am getting tired of it. Like go ahead and please me but don't do the same basic thing over again.

Ash: You know, Jasmine always likes that role playing daddy kink. And I don't mind it, I really don't. It's just I wanna be romantic. Be nice a slow. Take our time. Just us. But no. "Daddy spank me!" Or "Daddy this daddy that!"

Luke: I love girls, but they can be a pain in the ARSE.

Mikey: For the first time in forever. I agree with Luke.

Cal: Like we don't have to pamper them all the time.

Ash: I mean I know we have to be gentlemen but they don't have to go over board.

Jasmine: Oh I am sorry Ash. I didn't mean to go over board.

Ash: Apology accepted.

Ash: Wait.

Jasmine: Hello Ash. (:

Ash: Wtf Luke.

Luke: Maybe I shouldn't have but there contact names as ______'s Girl.

Cal: You think?

Taylor: Hey Calum, baby, it's your basic girlfriend here :D

Cal: Babe you're not basic. You're unique in your own best way (:

Taylor: Save your bullshit.

Cal: okay.

Luke: Good thing I didn't add Olivia

Olivia: Stubborn girlfriend in the house.


Olivia: me too but I am furious with you.


Danny: Hey Michael. I am so sorry I am so desperate and pleading all the time babe. Just thought you would want it your way.

Mikey: Umm... shit.

Danny: Have fun with the boys. The girls are staying at our - I mean my place for a while (;

Mikey: Shit.



So request ig.

Should I began doing QOTD? Or...

I feel like no one would do it.

Its not like any one reads my Author notes.

Kay bye.


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