Around the Campfire

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Arthur had met with his council briefly to tell them that he and the Queen were going to go on a romantic getaway for a few days and that the Knights would accompany them as well as the court physician. Once he had completed that business, he met the Knights, and Gaius in the courtyard. Gwen met them shortly after as she was ensuring they had the necessary provisions. Arthur couldn't help smiling softly at her and giving her a kiss to thank her for being able to keep a level head through all they'd endured. The group made their way out of the citadel, through the lower town, and off through the woods. Arthur was in the lead, Gwen at his side, Gwaine and Leon behind them, Elyan and Percival behind them, Gaius and Mordred bringing up the rear. They only stopped a few times to water and feed the horses during the day, finally stopping when the sun had fully sunk below the horizon and darkness was quickly encroaching on them. When they stopped, there was a long empty space where no one moved. This was usually the time when Merlin would be rushing around to set up a spot for a fire, then set out the bed rolls, take care of the horses, and prepare a meal. Gwen was the first to move, seeing how much the absence of the young man was felt. She moved to start a small fire setting a few sticks in place before lighting it. Once the fire was going, it seemed to snap the others out of their reverie. Percival helped Gwen with preparing food for everyone. After they'd eaten, dishes were washed and put aside, they all sat around the fire. No one knew whether they should speak or not, but Mordred couldn't handle the silence.

"Gaius, do you know when Merlin received the prophecy about me?" he asked quietly.

"Not exactly. I believe it was the first time you were in Camelot. When you first met him and Morgana. He tried to help get you out of the city when Morgana was caught with you. It was after that. Merlin went to the Great Dragon to find out if he knew how to find the Druids to get you back to them. When you were in the dungeons, before Arthur helped you get out, Merlin was distracted. He asked me a strange question. He asked, 'would you let something terrible happen if it meant preventing something even worse in the future?'. I told him it depended on the terrible and horrible things. He just said one was really bad and the other unthinkable. I asked if he'd planned on doing something foolish, as he normally does. But he just shook his head and said for once he was going to do nothing. I expect he planned not to help you get out. But he heard you calling out to him and he wasn't able to ignore you."

"He's known since he first met me? And he didn't feel like he could share? That maybe I would want to know and try to fight against it?" Mordred was asking despairingly. Gaius gave him a small smile.

"Merlin has been given many prophecies over the years since he first came to Camelot. Each time he either tried to prevent something from happening, or tried to stay out of it only to be dragged in. He never asked for his powers or for anyone to seek him out and tell him it was his responsibility to make sure a thing did or didn't happen." Gaius let out a long sigh. "I'm sure my pestering him didn't help. I drummed it into his head how important it was to keep his secret. But I often found if he did nothing, the kingdom would have fallen many times over."

"How did you find out about his magic?" Percival asked quietly.

"He saved my life." Gaius said simply. When he saw the concerned faces, he continued. "When he first arrived, it was the day that a man was being executed for having magic. The first thing he saw was the consequences of having magic in Camelot. Uther gave a speech on the evils of sorcery and magic and the man's mother swore to avenge her son by taking Uther's son as recompense. I was in my chambers looking for a book, and the railing was not the best. When he came in he startled me and I fell, and the railing broke. A fall that far would easily have killed me. Instead, he stopped time and sent a cot under me to save me. He didn't say any words, didn't even move from where he was in the room. It was really impressive magic."

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