Chapter 1

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"So uh

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"So uh...what are we doing when we get there?" Wall-Z asked

Reece, Zeve, and Wall-Z were heading off to Wall-E's Truck. All three of them had been having a pretty stale day, so they were looking for ways to fight the boredom. It hadn't even been a full hour yet.

"I dunno." Reece scuffed his colorful tread against the rough dirt, "Wall-E isn't exactly the most exciting guy we know."

"I wouldn't say that." Zeve brushed a dust particle from her arm, "I haven't spoken to my sister in forever though. It'll be good for us to catch up."

"Pfff...anything is better than boredom..." Reece said.

"Are you sure?" Wall-Z turned and started to tread backwards, "I mean, you've been in some bad situations. You prefer that over-!?"


All three of them stopped in their tracks.

"Zeve?" Reece shrunk back, "How long ago did the sun set?"

Viscous robots lept out of the bushes before any of them had a chance to react. A VAR-9, the deadliest robots ever created by BnL.

"Ack!" Reece fought them off, "WALL-Z!!!"

Reece tried to slay the VAR-9s before it could destroy his friend, but it managed to grab him and rip him into pieces, tearing off big pieces of metal from his frame. It took mere seconds.

"Stop! NO!!!"

Zeve was quick to help Reece get rid of the monster, but it wasn't enough to stop it from decimating WALL-Z. Reece searched his mind for something they could use to drive it away, blinking from an odd harsh light. He looked in that direction. It was a reflective piece of metal.

Of course! VAR-9s can't see in broad daylight! He was quick to grab the big sheet, using it like a mirror to shine directly into the VAR-9s eyes. It howled in discomfort, scratching at its face before it ran away.

Reece grabbed the metal frame of WALL-Z, seeing broken parts everywhere among the parts that were missing, "Zeve!"

She nodded, grabbing both of them and turning around, going back in the direction they'd come from.


Reece lay on his back, on the floor of his little home, absently tapping his treads together as he thought. WALL-Z had been rushed to the emergency room and was tended to by another of his colleagues, Doc-E, who specialized in robotics and electronic research. He fixed up WALL-Z and assured them that the VAR-9 had been driven away just in time, but he would need to stay there until he could recover.


Why were the VAR-9s here?

There were two major branches of Buy n Large; One in New York City, and one in Sweden. The Swedish branch was a factory, responsible for designing and shipping robots to other regions, while the American branch was more of a commercial branch, dealing with customers and advertising and finished products on the market. The VAR-9s were a project in the Swedish branch that backfired spectacularly, and since then, they prowled around all of Europe, searching for electronic things to devour with their sharp teeth.

They shouldn't be here. How did they get all the way across the ocean?

This is the question that weighed on his mind the entire walk home.

Once he curled up in his own truck that night, he realized that to get to the bottom of this, he would have to find the root of the problem. He would have to go to Sweden.

"Agh..." Reece tried to ignore the sharp pain in the back of his head. His senses were trying to tell him someone was in danger, but it was the kind that was fleeting. Whoever was in danger had already gotten help, so he didn't need to stress about it.

He still did though. Dangit being so perceptive.

"Reece!? Did you hear!?" Zeve zoomed into the truck, "There was another-!"

"-attack by the Var-9s, I know." Reece shook his head, letting his optics droop slightly, "But why? How did they get here all the way from Sweden?"

"Reece..." Zeve hovered over to him, "How do you know what they are?"

He was quiet.

Zeve cocked her head to the side, "Reece?"

"Because I'm from Sweden." his voice shook as just that simple sentence brought back painful memories, "Me and Wall-G and Lass-E and Doc-E? We're all from Sweden."

Zeve laced her fingers together in nervousness, "What?"

"Those Var-9s are Swedish too." Reece explained, "I used to live there with the Wall-S bots, but then everything was destroyed..." his voice softened, "...billions of them were slaughtered by the second...we...we were the only ones left..."

He hadn't realized he'd been crying.

"Oh! Reece!" Zeve was quick to comfort him, holding him in her arms, "It's okay...we'll figure something out..."

"Hey..." Reece responded, pulling back to look into her eyes, "Zeve..."

He wanted to say something to her, maybe related to his mindset and his conflict, but he couldn't form the words. He began to feel guilty for even considering getting his girlfriend involved. Any of his friends or acquaintances, he couldn't imagine dragging them through all his problems. WALL-E, WALL-G, LASS-E, EVE, WALL-Z...they were all so important to him. No, he had to go alone.

What choice did he have?

Reece sighed, "I'm going to go to sleep...okay?"

Zeve felt like something was wrong, but she didn't press him on the issue, "Okay. I'll join you soon, alright?"

Reece was only able to give a nod in response. Little did she know, he wouldn't be sleeping for a long time.

The darkness closed around him and still, he couldn't bring himself to sleep.

He finally opened his eyes, glancing beside him to see Zeve sound asleep. He hurried to his shelves and made sure to grab all the spare parts he would need, eyes and wheels and arms among other things. He heard something clatter to the floor as he was packing these things and looked down at the blue glow the thing gave off. A chaos emerald.

He hesitated for only a second before he snatched that up too. He would need it.

He glanced at the sleeping form of Zeve one more time before he slouched his way out the door and into the night. He escaped the city just as the first rays of sun peeked over the horizon.


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