Chapter 2

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Soon dawn breaks through... and Zeve wakes up, she instantly notices that Reece is missing and noticed a note next to her and reads it.

Note: Zeve, you notice that i'm not home...that's because I'm heading to Sweden to figure out how the Var-9's got to the US. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine and please don't follow me...I can't risk having you in severe's for the best... ~From Reece.

The note made Zeve tear up a bit because she knew that it would be really dangerous to head out to Sweden by himself, especially when there are Var-9s roaming around!
Zeve: Oh, Reece. Please be alright.
Meanwhile, with Reece, He finally reaches the boating docks that leads to Sweden. However, there's one problem...there are no boats.
Reece: Perfect, no boats. Might as well just swim.
Reece takes a dive in the cold water and starts to swim to Sweden.. the freezing temperature of the water didn't stop him and eventually reaches Sweden.

Reece: Sweden....I promised myself that I'd never return...but I have no choice....Time to move.
As Reece ventures forth, deeper into the silent outskirts, riddled with scrap metal and ripped apart buildings of Sweden, he encounters what looked like an old trash tower incinerators.
Reece: Shesh, these things are STILL here? They should have gotten rid of the--.

Reece spotted some Wall-S from his past... Lars, Björn, and Cardigan. They were torn to shreds from head to wheels. They brought a tear in Reece's eye. Suddenly, at the top of the incinerator, was a howl. It was a Var-9, and it had company. Reece knew he was in trouble.

Reece: Oh no...
Reece didn't dare gaze upon their cold, heartless eyes and their teeth with shards of Wall-S parts stuck in between them. Reece immediately tried to escape as the pack rushed after him. As he ran, he managed to knock out one, but another pounced and pinned Reece.

Reece: L-let go!

The Var-9s attempted to rip him apart from his treads, but he gave a hard punch to their jaws to escape. he soon heads into an old building and quickly locks down the door. He was safe there but in a poor (and painful) condition and the parts he brought would do no good....
Reece: Ugh....that should keep them away....
Meanwhile on the other side of the planet, Zeve Wall-E, Wall-G, Doc-E and Lass-E went out to find Reece. On their way, they talk about the Var-9s.
Zeve: So, what were these Var-9s?
Doc-E: They were made by Steve Johansson. He and the BnL of Sweden were most displeased with the Wall-S classes lack of progress with Operation Cleanup. So, with permission from BnL of Sweden, he created a machine to destroy the Wall-S classes, and most likely all other classes worldwide.
Zeve: But, what was so wrong about those classes?
Lass-E: He thought we weren't efficient and quick enough to get the cleanup finished. So, instead of regularly deactivating us, he used sabotage and sent the Var-9s to wipe us out, and Steve worked on large, new incinerators for sweeping up large locations.
Wall-G: Those beasts even killed my sisters, and when Lass-E, Doc-E and I found out about the sabotage, we escaped via raft. But somehow other Var-9s arrived in New York.
Zeve: Wow, that must have been terrible.
Meanwhile, Reece was looking around inside the building, and found out it was Steve's BnL research facility, completely destroyed inside due to an explosion caused by Wall-G.

Reece: *thinking out loud* Yeesh Wall-G, how much damage did you do to this place?

He then found a room for all the files about the Var-9s. He ravaged through files of rogue bots that needed to be exterminated
Reece: Wait, this says it's a secondary directive... then what was the primary directive

Little did Reece know, a Var-9 was right behind him, ready to pin him and obliterate him.
Meanwhile, Zeve, Wall-E, and The 3 Swedish bots arrived in Sweden. The Swedish bots were in horror to see the remains of the Wall-S'.
Wall-E: Was this place supposed to be a wasteland?
Wall-G: No, the humans just abandoned Sweden entirely. Now it's nothing but a graveyard for Wall-S bots.
Suddenly, they heard howling from the distance.
Zeve: Hey, what's that sound?!
Doc-E: It's coming from inside Johansson's facility!
All five raced to the facility, and were in shock for what they saw next...

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