A Wallflower That Didn't Belong

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I have been by Léon's side for as long as I could remember. We were bosom brothers, basically raised by the same woman. My mother became his nanny after his mother died of an infection shortly after his birth. 

His father, the Don, was a busy man - now and especially back then, when the boss was still a child - so he was often neglected by his only parent. My mother took pity. And so, she would always drown him with her attention and affection. 

Admittedly, I was envious of him. As we grew older he bested me in everything as if it was so natural. No matter how much I tried, he was just better. 

Envy became hatred. And, once, I almost left that man for dead after an ambush from a rival gang member. Something horrible inside of me wanted to leave that teenage boy to bleed out on the pavement like a dog with no one to save him. 

"Boss Ronaldo, we've caught him." 

I wonder what had made me change my mind that day? 

With a nod, I silently followed behind through the narrow, leaky alleyways of Orléans' southern suburbs. We had managed to clean up most of the nests of those filthy Vipères Azurées rats around these parts but there were still some strays causing a lot of trouble. And, we have orders from the Boss to not bother with showing much kindness. 

"There's been reports of them beginning to attack civilians to retaliate recently - those lowlife scum. It's about time we took care of them," Hugo commented from beside me as we entered a clearing. The sounds of grunts and shouts echoed against the walls of the alleyway alongside our footsteps. Ambient drips of water from the light shower today and the rustle of stray cats in dumpsters looking for their next meal. 

I checked for the time on my wristwatch. It was still one o'clock. We've managed to get this done much sooner than I had expected. "Have you cleared the area?" I droned as we stepped out from the darkness of the alley to the patch of sunlight casting down on the clearing. Buildings on every side. This was a government housing area. Many poor folks trying to get through each day. How degenerate of this bastard to steal and pillage from these people. 

Nothing more to be expected from a Viper I suppose. 

"Yes, sir, we've checked the whole area already," Hugo answered as I stared over to the rugged, beaten man struggling against the hold of Raphael and Marco. That's good. Although, it's not as if these people were stupid enough to do anything about it if they happen to hear a gunshot or two. Or even if they saw us dragging his body away in broad daylight. We were only helping to clean up the streets for them after all. 

"You fucking dog, what did you say to me?!" I heard Louis bark at the apprehended man before sending a few hits into his stomach. "Say that to me again, will you?! Huh?!" Chokes and grunts paired with each punch. 

"Have you found any clues as to where that snake Abel is hiding yet?" I queried as I pulled out my gun. That bastard had been giving out information to these Vipers for months now. And, they made him work directly under one of their capos in return.

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