These Early Evening Visits

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I had taken a rather reprehensible hobby of stalking a young girl lately.

Though the act was of a shameful manner, her charming allure had struck me with an irresistible temptation to observe her every move whilst she explored my home city.

Brief slots of leisure between an otherwise strictly regimented yet ever-changing schedule invited a relaxed smoke beside the rich malt of a few glasses of whiskey. It was treasured sparingly so that my mind could be put to even just a moment's rest for the day.

However, the recent introduction of a cheeky nymph of a girl had now wielded the reins to my peace. No longer could I be coaxed into contentment through my usual means. My mind had now tired of the meaningless afternoon blunts and demanded the stimulations of a certain fawn that had been happily prancing around from thought to thought throughout my days instead.

Of course, I had attempted its dismissal through cuts of my breaks, yet that slippery minx had soon seen herself into the distractions of my working hours as well. Whenever the opportunity arose, she would pounce into the foreground of my mind and sweetly coo for my attention.

A flutter of her feminine eyelashes as her deary, pup eyes pearled up pleadingly at me. The needy purse of plumped, pouting lips; unguarded for any stray kiss that may be presented upon them.

Though harmless, it was as though she knew of her bewitching ways.

From morning to night these thoughts grew incessant and fervently maddening. Truly, at times, I had wondered whether I was finally losing the grip on my composure to the whims of this obliviously carefree girl.

It prodded at the flames of unsatiated agitations that had eventually spilled into my demeanour and patience; settled only through the indulgence of my mens' reports regarding her whereabouts.

I had grown intensely obsessed by her daily affairs since her arrival in Paris. What time she left her relative's home; the bus that she took to the city; the cafes she received her lunch from. I had this unexplicable need to know everything as though I accompanied her myself.

So, eventually, that was what I did - only without her notice.

If she refused to leave my thoughts during my downtime, why should I try to resist it? Why not just indulge this intrigue of mine?

Like a child watching the mindless wander of his new hamster in its cage, my eyes kept themselves clung to her existence as though she was some fascinating, exotic creature or a curious little animal finally introduced into the expanse of the world beyond just her neighbourhood.

I lifted my smoke up to my lips for another crisp suck of its fumes. It coated my lungs with a comforting blanket of smog to relax the otherwise perverse thrill I obtained from watching Allison without her awareness. This way, I could watch her in her purest form, bright and open to the wonders of the world around her.

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