Chapter 3: Step Into My Candy Store

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Chapter 3:

I woke up. I'm in the hospital. I sit up, rubbing my arms, which give off a dull ache, even though they're covered with bandages. A girl is sitting next to me. She looks older than me. "Who are you?" I ask. She looks up from her phone. "I'm Catylnn McLemore," she says. "My mom asked me to tell her when you woke up," she says casually. "Wait? McLemore? Like the daughter of Elle McLemore, the actress of Heather McNamara in Heathers?" I ask. Has my dream magically come true, after 5 years of waiting? ( I got into heathers when I was 8) "Adopted, to be more exact." She smiles at my reaction, but it's a sad smile. 

(AN: Willow reminds her of Astrid) 

"I'll be right back. I'll bring the whole cast too." It's not until she leaves that I realize what the crutches in the room were for. Wonder why she has them. She's back soon though, with the whole freaking cast of Heathers. Barrett, Elle, Alice, Jessica, Ryan, Jon, Evan, and Katie. I know and idolize all of them. "Hi!" they all say. "Oh my god! Hi!" I squeal, reverting to my fangirl self. Barrett laughs. And it's just, if not even more, iconic in person. 

Another girl runs through the door. I'm assuming she's another adopted kid. I really need to catch up with celebrity families. "What happened?" the girl yells, crashing into a chair. "Calm down Jupie!" Evan says, almost doubling over with laughter. The girl called Jupie notices me and says, "Oh hi! I'm Jupiter! I'm Evan's kid. That's Jessica-" She's cut off by Jessica. "She know who we are Jup," she says. "Ok, now can someone tell me why you all are waiting in my hospital room?" I ask. "Well," Barrett says, "We were thinking about adopting you!" "Wait what?" I say. "We want to become your chaotic fam!" Jessica says, laughing. "What do you say?" Alice asks. "I- Yes!" I say. I don't know what they want with me, a formerly abused Theather obsessed weirdo, but I'm still taking this opportunity. "You have some options," Ryan says. "Only some of of us have spare rooms, but you can stay with either Jessica, me, Alice, or Jon. Barrett doesn't have a spare room." 

I consider all the possibilities, thinking. "Can I stay with Jessica?" I ask. Jessica smiles. "Of course you can, Willa. Can I call you that? Willa?" I try the nickname out. "Sure!" I say. None of my other foster families has ever given me a nickname. It's just been Willow or in bad cases just girl. Jessica smiles. "You're probaly getting discharged soon, so then we can head over and show you the spare room!" She then dramatically sings, "Come step into my candy storeee!" and everyone starts laughing. A nurse comes into the room and says, "Miss Willow Amanda, you are now discharged." "It's not Miss Willow anymore," I say, looking at the new family all around me now. "It's Miss Willow Amanda Keenan-Wynn."

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