Chapter 23: I Would Fight For You

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Chapter 23: I Would Fight For You

TW: su!side thoughts

Willow's POV

I don't have a birthday party this year, for obvious reasons. I missed my 16 birthday when I was half-dead, and now I don't really want to celebrate my birthday right now. "She just broke up with me!" I sob. "I didn't out her, I swear! Someone must have hacked into her account or something. I didn't do it!" Jess gives me a massive hug, and says, "I know you didn't do it, Mandi. Your phone was charging in my room the whole night. I would have heard you walk in." "So who did it?" Libby asks, joining in the group hug consisting of me, Jess, Elle, Alice, and Barrett. Ryan's pacing around my room, where I'm curled up on the bed, masses of tissues beside me. "I don't know," I say. "Seriously considering offing myself," I mutter into the pillow. Jess shakes me slightly. "No. Please. Stay strong, Willa. We'll make it through this." "How can I ever recover from this? My girlfriend just dumped me after I literally almost killed myself for her. And now the whole school hates me, cause they now think I'm just this backstabber who they can't trust." Jessica thinks for a second, and says, "You know what? Screw school. You can't go right now. There are only a couple weeks left. We're taking a road trip around California. See the coast, go to Great America, just get away from this place. None of your classmates. Just me, and whoever else you want. For a couple of weeks, or however long you want.


We're here in Los Angeles, California. Took a plane, and just touched down. Libby, Cat, and Jupie are also here. "It's so warm here," Jupie says, waving a magazine in front of their face. I'm looking at the itinerary that I wrote out. First stop: Great America.

another timeskip cause im feeling uncreative and just want to get the exciting part

Jessica's POV

"You're eating too much sugar," I say, rolling my eyes and smirking, as I watch Willow eat another cotton candy. "When did you become a reponsible parent?" Libby jokes, also eating cotton candy. Cat and Jupie are drinking slushies and singing Freeze Your Brain at the top of their voices. I roll my eyes. "Willow, I dare you to go on a roller coaster," I say.

Willow's POV:

I had so much fun those couple of weeks. Little did I know, that would be one of the last happy memories I would ever have.    

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