The Tea Party

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As Kokichi came home he heard some shuffling from his backyard. He imediantly knew what it was so he rolled his eyes.

As he entered Gonta looked at him with cheery eyes instantly melting Kokichi's heart and any annoyance towards Gonta but kept the act up. "Oh my god Gonta, did you make another tea party in my garden I told you to stop doing that" snarled Kokichi while not agreeing with the words spewing out of his mouth. "Gonta thought Kokichi looked sad, so Gonta make tea party for Kokichi" smiled Gonta as Kokichi thankfully looked at him. "Ok I guess I'll join in this time" retorted Kokichi secretly overjoyed to spend time with Gonta.

Gonta and Kokichi spent the whole rest of the day drinking tea and playing with Gonta's small friends.

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