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It was 7:00 Gonta and Kokichi decided they would meet at 7:30 which had become a burden for Gonta who got caught up in the moment feeling a strange form of urgency and fear mixed with nervousness, forgot he needed to feed all his bugs.

He began to feed them giving eachone something small to nom on, exclaiming to each "Sorry bug, but Gonta can't give you too much for dinner" then running of to feed the next bug.

By the time Gonta was done he had ten minutes to run over to Kokichi's house which he promptly attempted running faster than he's ever run before but was still late by a couple minutes.

When he arrived he saw Kokichi waiting for him impatiently, tapping his foot. "Gonta where have you been" queried Kokichi, laughing slightly in the process. "Sorry Kokichi, Gonta had to feed all his friends, please forgive Gonta" confessed Gonta feeling a bit bad. "I guess I can forgive you, but only if you promise to buy me something when we get to the Park" teased Kokichi laughing slightly. "Sure, Gonta would love to get you something" replied Gonta genuinely.

So that sealed it, as a taxi came Gonta and Kokichi got in and set out to an exciting evening at Jurasic Park.

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