episode 1

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                       Episode 1:
                  Things changed

The scene shows a city street sprawling with life people are walking around,going to shops or cafés with friends and family and children playing in the streets and teens hanging out

The scene then cut to a alleyway where 4 shady looking man were standing

They were all wearing the same outfit a black leather jacket with a purple snake on the back blue jeans white shoes and fingerless gloves their faces were obscured by darkness making it impossible to identify their facial features

???1: so are we doing it tonight?

???2: yeah the boss said tonight we do it

???3: ha we are gonna be rolling in cash tonight!

???4: shh do you want us to get caught?!

???: sorry I'm just pumped to finally do it

???2: remember tonight at 8:00 pm we meet up with the rest

???2,3 and 4: got it

The four man then leave for whatever they had planned


It was now nighttime in the city and the night shrouded the whole city in darkness only illuminated by the occasional street lamp every building had its lights turned off well almost every one building stood out

The building a giant skyscraper easily 30 floors tall the building had glass painting's from top to bottom near the roof was a massive sign with massive letters reading the words ALTERA on it

The scene the showed the inside of a room with 3 kids in it they were wearing what seemed like training gear one was sitting on a bench another was leaning against the wall the last was just sitting there

There were two 12 year old boys one had short black hair with silver streaks in it and emerald green eyes while the second had long black hair with silver streaks in it and sapphire blue eyes

The third one standing was a 10 year old boy with black hair with silver streaks in it and chocolate brown eyes

12 year old boy 1: training was pretty hard hard today eh?

12 year old boy 2: I can't disagreed

12 year old 1: woah are actually agreeing with me oliver?

Oliver: oh shut up Steven I'm just stating a obvious point !

Steven:*sarcastically* yeah sure

As the boys were talking a speaker suddenly activated and a woman's voice could be heard

Speaker: could Steven Oliver and Jake marek come to lab please than you

Steven: well that's our cue let's go

Oliver:*looks at the 10 year old* you heard her Jake its time to go

Jake: ok sure bro!

The tree boys then left the room they were in and headed to a nearby elevator when all 3 of them got in Steven pressed a button and a robotic voice spoke

Robot voice: going to laboratory

As the elevator went up Steven decided to start a conversation

Steven: so any idea why we are called in?

Jake: no sorry

Oliver: not a clue

Steven narrowed his eyes on his twin brother as he leaned against the glass wall of the elevator

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