[🍃🌧🌪⚠️] abusive ex - leif

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hi guys. I got this idea yesterday and decided to write it today, so here it is.

🌧 - its sad
🌪 - cursing, yelling, fighting
⚠️ - talk about abuse and mental illnesses, um... knives and such



Leif was quieter now. He would always be mindful when he was using his loud voice, mainly for the reason that I hated yelling. I didn't mind the yelling at a video game, or yelling when play fighting, but when people argued and raised their voice, it scared me. HAving people get mad and raise their voice at me was way worse. I used to be in an abusive relationship, which gave me PTSD about the whole thing.

The Daemos have taken accustomed to my wishes, even though they still yell at each other occasionally. Leif was now almost as quiet as Pierce, with more talking. Sometimes you didn't even notice he had walked up behind you, just because his voice has changed so much.

But in the present, Leif and I were walking down the sidewalk and looking at the different stores we wanted to go into. There was a strip mall, basically, and the others had went out as well, but Leif and I separated from them. "Hey, Leif, wanna go look in there?" I pointed to a store that had male clothes.

"Do I need more clothes?" he asked. I laughed quietly and pulled him in. As we walked through, I held onto his hand and he held mine,, making sure we were never separated. I would some green shirts and held them up to myself, they looked like they'd be dresses on me.

"I'm Leif!" I tried to make my voice sound like his, but it just sounded like an old man who had been a smoker for years. Leif chuckled along with me, until we both heard someone call my name. I turned around and Leif looked over me, and there he was.

I gasped and backed into Leif, him putting his arms around my shoulders. "What's wrong, baby?" he whispered to me. I held onto one of his arms and my other hand hooked my fingers around the belt loop on his jeans.

"Wow, Y/n, I haven't seen you in forever. You look good," Ethan flirted with me. My body shook and I was sure as hell my face was painted white. Leif's arms held onto my small figure, tightening as I turned around to hide in his chest.

"Hey buddy, I don't have a clue who you are, but could you leave us alone?" Leif said, in a nice manner. I peeked up to see him smile and glance down at me.

"Oh, so you're Y/n's new boyfriend? I've seen pictures of you online but I've never met you in person. You're less intimidating than you thought." With my head against Leif's chest, I heard him growl lowly.

"Y/n, lets go. We can come back later," Leif said and took my hand, but before we could move, Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I held onto Leif, but my grip was too light. I yelled and the cashier ran over. The store was small, so there was only us four there. Before anyone could do anything, Ethan pulled a pocket knife out and put it against my throat.

"Either of you move and I won't hesitate," he said from behind me.

Leif was visibly holding his anger in. Even if I got him to calm down more than he was, his rage couldn't stay back when someone he loved was in danger. Leif could easily manifest his weapons into existence, and that was the main thing I was scared of. The cashier was a teenage girl, and she looked horrified.

I was shaking in my bones. I didn't know anything about fighting, and I definitely couldn't defend myself. I watched as Leif stared down Ethan, but as soon as the knife touched my neck and a trickle of blood fell, it wasn't pretty.

"Turn around, don't watch," Leif quietly told the cashier. She did, and in a split moment, Leif's eyes were glowing, his horns were out, and so were his weapons. I felt Ethan hesitate before he pushed the knife back to my neck.

"Get- Get away from me you demon!" Ethan said. He was scared, trying not to show it. Leif took a quick look at me and all I could do was nod. In an instant, I was on my knees on the floor, and Ethan was pressed up against the wall, being pinned by Leif. I turned around and saw his face — Ethan was terrified. The cashier peeked behind her and saw me, not looking up.

"Are you okay?" the cashier asked me. I nodded, scared that if I spoke, all that would come out is blood. It wasn't a large cut, but it was deep, and large enough to be leaking blood down my neck. "Um... sir, she's bleeding. I- I don't want to look at you, but I can call the police."

Leif turned to look at me, his eyes soft when he looked at me. I nodded and he backed off. The cashier closed her eyes as Leif came to get me. "We have security cameras, but I can cut you out very quickly."

"Thank you, you're a good person." Leif said to her, picking me up and walking out of the small store and leaving Ethan to the police. I felt him jump and knew he was using his daemos powers instead of walking. I clung onto his shirt, finally feeling safe when we landed in the apartment and Leif sat me down. When looking at me, he picked me up again and took me into the bathroom, setting me on the counter.

"Can I take your shirt off?" he asked. I nodded and took it off for him, which it was bloody anyways. Leif had seen me naked before, so it wasn't a big deal now, but I did have a bra on, so I wasn't completely naked. He held his hands on the sides of my neck and there was a bright light, and I suddenly felt a little better.

"It's not healed all the way, but it should be small enough to not leave any damage," he said quietly. I opened my mouth to speak, but he put his finger in front of my mouth. "Let's keep quiet for now, I just don't want you to hurt more."

I nodded and watched him put a gauze on my neck and tape it down with medical tape. I hopped down when he was finished and smiled, pulling him down to kiss him. His hands put themselves on the sink on either side of me, and he pressed himself up against me. I put my arms around his neck, but soon let go as I had to take a breath for air.

"We can continue this when you're healed," Leif said with a wink. I couldn't help but laugh, which hurt, but it was perfectly fine.


I hate this. the idea was fun at first but I absolutely hate this.

im just gonna post it, hope for the best, and prolly make another leif one next.

smut maybe.. idk, it might be the same day I publish this. welp.

- silver
5 . 2 . 21

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