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Aleena's POV:

Kiara has messaged me earlier, telling me to head to the beach. I take my time trying to find the right directions, but eventually, I catch a glimpse of the shoreline in the distance. I park my boat, which is loaded with all my luggage, on a random dock near the beach, hoping that no one will notice it there. It's only for a short while anyway.

As I step off the boat, I feel a gust of wind pick up, blowing my hair to one side. The sky above me is getting darker by the minute, so I quickly put on my grey hoodie. I tie the rope around the cleat hitch, securing the boat in place, and put my phone in the back pocket of my shorts. Then, I jog towards the beach, hoping that Kiara hasn't been waiting too long for me.

Once I arrive at the beach, I scan the area, searching for the dark-skinned girl. My long blond hair is blowing all over the place, making it hard to focus. Panic starts to creep into my body as I desperately look around.

Suddenly, I feel two hands on my shoulders, and hear a loud "BOO!" causing me to jump up and scream in shock. I turn around and see her standing there, laughing at my reaction.

"Kiara! You scared the fuck out of me!" I shout, still a bit shaken.

She continue to laugh at my affected face. "I'm sorry, but that was an opportunity I couldn't let go of," she says, still giggling.

I cross my arms in front of me and crack a small smile on my mouth. "You'll get that one back, believe me," I say with a playful tone.

After a while, our laughter dies down, and Kiara begins to look around. "Where's the boat?" she asks, hugging herself to keep warm since she isn't wearing a sweater.

"Oh, it's parked on a random dock somewhere back there," I reply casually.

Kiara's expression shift to one of shock. "Wait, so you just parked your boat on a random dock that's not even yours, where anyone can see it and steal it, and you just left it there?" she says incredulously.

"Oops..." I shrug, walking back towards where the boat is parked.

Kiara jogs up to me, still chuckling to herself. "Unbelievable," she mutters under her breath.


Kiara had given me the directions to her house, and I'm driving the boat.

"I can't believe you even managed to bring your surfboard with you! How did you get it on the plane?"

"Well, I have connections at the airport," I tell Kiara with a grin, making her laugh.

As we approach the dock of her house, she throws her hands up in the air in excitement. "And we are here!"

After we park the boat and get out, I take a moment to admire her big house. "Wow, it's really nice!" I say as I grab my suitcase from the boat and roll it towards her house. Kiara takes my surfboard and drags it along to her big house, it's making me feel welcomed and safe.

As she places my surfboard against a wall and turns around to face me. "You have to sneak in through the window okay? I have a... a little discussion with my parents, so they can't know." Kiara tells me, "Climb up that roof, I'll open the window so you can get in." she explains, pointing towards the roof. "Oh, I'll take the suitcase." she smiles, grabbing my suitcase and rolling it over to the front door.

"Great, because I'm good at climbing," I mutter sarcastically to myself and head over to where I'm supposed to climb up.

When I say I almost fell off a lot, I mean a lot. As I said, I have a lack of climbing skills. The wind wasn't helping either.

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