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The past two days have been an absolute fucking hell. I never could have imagined that she would have such a profound impact on me. It's like she has some kind of supernatural power over my body and mind just by existing and going about her normal life. I still think it's complete bullshit, but I can't deny the hold she has on me. She's like a fucking wizard.

My friends have definitely picked up on something being off with me, and I'm reaching a breaking point where I don't know how much longer I can keep it all inside.

Today, I'm with Kie, John B, and we're waiting for Pope to join us. Finally, we're going to search for that damn Royal Merchant. The thought of finding those 400 million in gold has me exhilarated. We could become insanely rich and chillin' lounging around all days in the Bahamas or Yucatan.

"What's going on in that head of yours? You're unusually quiet, man," John B questions, idly tossing small rocks into the water.

I glance up, squinting as the bright sun momentarily blinds me. "Oh, nothing much. Just didn't get much sleep these past few days," I reply, offering a weak excuse, unsure of what else to say.

Kiara looks at me with a puzzled expression, but dismisses it as the sun's rays once again bask her body.

"Dream about those 400 million in gold. Your sleep's gonna increase by the hour," John B teases, letting out a laugh. "Unless you let girls sneak into your room."

I shake my head and stumble over my words, "Nah, man. Haven't had a girl in weeks."

"Who are you, and what have you done with JJ?" John B widens his eyes.

"I'm not that bad," I tell him, looking at Kie. As our eyes meet, we exchange a strange look, a silent understanding passing between us.

John B catches on to our unspoken communication and retorts, "If you guys need some alone time, just say the word..."

"It's not because you got your ass rejected that you have to make these comments, bro," I snap back, nervously biting my lip while Kiara raises her head and lets out a sigh.

"Do you really need to say this shit right now?" John B challenges, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes," I assert, standing my ground.

"Yeah, really?"

A battle of words ignites, but Kiara steps in to diffuse the tension. "Guys, shut up. It doesn't matter anymore."

We both divert our gaze, avoiding eye contact, just as Pope appears behind us.

"What did I miss?" he interjects, unaware of the verbal clash that just took place.

that moment, Aleena's POV:

It felt like a temporary escape from my troubles when Sarah and I went on our dress-shopping adventure. We had an absolute blast, and I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. It was a much-needed break from the monotony of my daily life.

Now, I find myself in my room, gazing at the dress hanging gracefully from the handle of my dresser.

Suddenly, two loud knocks interrupt my thoughts, jolting me out of my reverie. Curious as to who it could be, considering Sarah had told me via text that she wouldn't be returning home tonight, I spring out of bed and tiptoe towards the door. I cautiously open it, revealing Rafe standing on the other side.

"Yo, quick question. Are you up for joining us for a movie?" he asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Well, Sarah won't be home tonight, so I don't..." I begin to respond, my voice trailing off.

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