chapter 3

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"Ta- Ta..?"

Tommy erupts from his sleep very suddenly with something tight in the pit of his chest. He breathes shallowly and unevenly, eyes narrowing in an unfocused gaze of a pink blur.

"Michael?" Tommy mumbles, rubs his eyes of sleep. The young lad was curled up, chubby legs tucked underneath him while he stared. "Tah.." Michael struggles, scrunches up his nose.

"Tommy." Tommy corrects, stretching out the syllables tiredly. Michael lights up. "Mmmm." He repeats, pressing his lips together, "Mm! Tom!" The blond shrugs, pushing himself up. He feels undeniably heavy.

"Mmmm." Tommy agreed, looking out of the glass window to gauge how late it had become. Tubbo was slumped against the dinner table, snoring softly. Dim light flickers from the oven's exhaust hood. "Where's the other one?" Tommy murmurs.

"Papa's out!" Whispers Michael. "Out, out, out! There he goes!"

Tommy frowns. "Still?" His voice croaks with drowsiness. "Mhm, mhm!" Michael affirms, and It's a mannerism Tommy recognizes well from Ranboo.

"Hm, well. You miss 'im, don't you lad?" Tommy grumbles, springing up to rest his hands on hips. He remains his steps and voice as quiet can be, as to not awake Tubbo. Michael nods frantically, ear bouncing with the movement.

"Why don't we go find the fella then?" Tommy suggests, holding his arms out for the toddler. Michael squeals, albeit quietly, and stands on unsteady legs to reach out. Tommy scoops him up, shushing gently and pointing to Tubbo discreetly.

Michael gasped, pressing his hand to his snout. Tubbo is not going to be pleased if he takes Michael out of the safe, confined house, but the boy was sleepless, and so was Tommy. Maybe he was a bit worried about the tall prick, too.

He curls a soft woolen blanket over Tubbo shoulders, shushing all along the way. He buries in a large blue coat, cuddling Michael against his chest. "Let's go find the dumbass, yeah?" Tommy says, and Michael, face squished as he looks up at him from his collar, nods brilliantly.

Tommy darts out the door, and the rush of adrenaline is relief more than anything. Sure, he liked the house, but the domesticity was overwhelming. The snow patters down, some flakes lodge in the cowlicks of hair. Michael seems mystified, the crunch of snow beneath Tommy's booted feet make the baby piglin squeal in delight.

He's looking for Ranboo, the night is dangerous, especially on the unfinished side of the Mansion, which he first decided to look. It's the most logical afterall, or whatever bullshit. Ranboo was meeting with that Foolish guy, so he should be here.

For a second, as he clutches Michael to his chest, hes hit with a sudden idea that maybe bringing along the baby piglin with the most overprotective parents ever was a little reckless. And stupid, and impulsive, or whatever word Tubbo would describe it as.

Mostly torches line the walls, but in some spaces they clear off the teeter off the trail. His denim trousers protect his legs little from the cold, but it strangely reminds himself of back when he used to live with Technoblade. In the cold, surrounded with spruce saplings and hills covered in snow.

Tommy suddenly hears a hiss, behind him, while he is scanning the inside of the empty mansion, and he tenses. Fuck. Before he can brace himself for the inevitable bang. He tucks his arms around Michael, but is surprised when footsteps bang against the wooden floor, and a body crashes into him, long arms wrap around him. The touch is a blaze, and he yelps as hes brought to the ground.

Tommy makes sure to protect Michael's head, eyes clenching shut as the creeper explodes. Its familiar, loud, and rings in his ears. The person above him grunts, voice muffled as the explosion churns inside his head, gripping a few select emotions to explode in reaction.

"-ommy! Are you okay, is Michael okay, why are you out here without armor-" Ranboo is talking to him, and Tommy turns over, sturdy wood floor hard against his back. The shock is steady, and Tommy stares at Ranboo, eyes circled with red rims. Michael squeals, more in astonishment than anything. It reminds Tommy how much in danger he just was.

He very, very suddenly, realizes how fucking delusional he was being.


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