Tubbo's interval

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Tubbo is awakened thoroughly by someone sniffing his face. Tubbo scrunches up his nose for a moment before he huffs out a strong breath through his nostrils. He can feel Michael reel back at the fast air, and then sneezes.

Tubbo cracks open his eye, a stupid smile spreading across his face. Michael is crouched near him, eye wide. "Dada." Michael whispers, little hands reaching out to tap his scarred cheek.

Tubbo grins, forward to sweep the baby piglin into his arms, Michael squeals in loud laughter. "C'mere you little hell monster-" Tubbo blows a raspberry into his neck, and Michael bursts onto snorting giggles. Michael kicks his legs and pushes at his head.

Tubbo gasps. Michael freezes, looking at him attentively. "Did you have any dreams, little dude?" Tubbo questions, pushing all the energy into his voice.

Michael nods erratically, and babbles something about clouds and juice.

Tubbo nods along, and presses an affectionate kiss to his snout. He let's Michael ramble on while he wakes his mind up.

Normally, Tubbo would dread waking up in the morning, even more so having to interact with people. He's comforted by his son's conjectured speech. Plus, it's just Ranboo and Tommy, he barely has to fill the silence when those two are near.

Right. Tommy.

Tubbo frowns, but he quickly twists it into a smile and sits up on his palms. Michael slides comically to his lap. Tubbo stretches, letting out a high pitched yawn. Michael copies him- Tubbo hugs him tight to his chest, only just to hear him screech in happiness.

"Hungry, little man?" Tubbo asks, slides his legs out of the layers of bed, and Michael nods. "Gotta fix that then."

Once he reaches the dining room, he catches sight of Ranboo, hunched over by the dinner table. His heart aches, and he knows the hybrids back is gonna kill once he wakes up. Tubbo is still grateful for the unanimous decision to not let Tommy sleep alone, living room or not. Though, its unusual for Tubbo to be the first one up.

Speaking of which. Tommy is curled up on the couch, blankets falling off the side of the couch. Tubbo is worried about him. The brunette wishes Tommy could just.. talk to him. He knows it's not that simple, especially since it's Tommy he's talking about. Tubbo knows Tommy, so he knows Tommy needs a push if he wants him to talk about his feelings.

It's okay if he doesn't, anyway. If all Tommy came up here for was to have fun, Tubbo will provide that. if all Tommy came up here for was to sleep near them, that was okay too. Tubbo had missed him, so, so much. Whenever Tommy wanted to talk, or wanted to hear him talk. He would listen.

Tubbo crouched low to let Michael settle on the floor, and started on making some hot cereal.

"Let's get this party started." Tubbo says to Michael, and the zombified baby piglin cheers quietly.

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