Metting Draco Malfoy!

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It was a normal afternoon. Y/N was in her room reading some books about Hogwarts. Y/N wanted so badly to go to Hogwarts because her mom and dad went there and she wanted to learn spells and more. And that afternoon she got a note from Hogwarts . Y/N was so happy that she could go there . Y/N went to bed with excitement and could not wait to be there. Y/N woke up by her mom because she was late for the train they got in the car and drove to the train station . Y/N said bye and got into the train , Y/N looked for some seats where she could sit but could not find one. But then Y/N found one , there were 3 boys Y/n asked them if I could sit down. They said yes and Y/n sat down and one blond boy said hi am Malfoy , Draco Malfoy this is Crab and Goyle what's you're name my name is y/n,y/n y/l/n. Nice to meet you said Draco . The time went by and we were at Hogwarts we got into are houses Y/n got into Slytherin and so did Draco,Crab,Goyle we ate and got to are rooms Y/n was sharing a room with Draco .So Y/n went to the bathroom and started to get ready for bed but then took Draco my hairbrush and ran around our room . I ran after him and we started laughing and giggling and then I feel on top of him it got silent for a second but then I said "well we better get to bed it is getting late " and then I got op . Yeah , well goodnight Y/N said Draco goodnight Draco😊

Draco Malfoy love Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang