8 - Casey

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   "Mom, I'm home!" I yell as I swing my bag across the floor.

   "Casey! How was your day?" Elsa asks, kissing my forehead.

   "It was fine. Now would you-" I say while pushing her off me.

   "You left in such a rush this morning, I didn't even get to say goodbye."

   I give a little nervous laugh. "Yeah.. Izzie drove me."

   "Oh really? She came by last night. She asked where you were."

   I nod. "I know. She said she had to talk to me... It was nothing though," I lie.

   "Are you sure? Izzie's tone said it wasn't just nothing."

   "I'm sure, Elsa. Now let me go do my homework," I say while walking up to my room.

   "You're not gonna do your homework."

   "I know, I just need an excuse to get away from your nosy self."

   I find my room and plop on my bed. Before I could do anything else, I get a call.

   "Casey! How've you been?" Evan asks.

   "Good. I had Subway and cookies today so I'm feeling pretty pumped," I joke. "How about you? I heard you're gonna see my dad for another practice tomorrow. That's exciting."

   "Yeah... I'm just.. a little scared. Usually I'm okay with talking to adults and being taught things but... this is making me more nervous than usual," Evan explains.

   "Is it because you're scared of my dad?" I laugh.

   "Probably. But I'm trying out something I actually want to do. And on top of that there's tests."

   I slightly nod. "We talked about the tests, though. It'll be easy to do, just try your best."

   "I know. How's track been?"

   "It's been- it's been good."

   "What was that little stutter," Evan laughs.

   "I don't.. just today was a little weird of a practice," I explain.

   "What happened?"

   I can't say what happened because he'll question everything.

   "Nothing, I just... fell and messed up my time."

   "Well, that's okay. It's just a small mess up. You're a great runner. Are you still looking into UCLA?"

   UCLA makes my stomach do cartwheels. Izzie was the one who gave me the idea. I can only imagine living with her in a dorm.

   "Definitely. I'd have to basically train like a maniac and put my main focus solely on track. Seems like a lot of work, so I'm still debating," I explain.

"Yeah that seems hard.. Hey am I coming over tonight?" He asks.

"Oh um... yeah sure."

"Sure? Not a.. yes!"

I laugh. "Yes! You can come."

"Alright. I'll see you at 8 then?"

"See you at 8," I smile while hanging up and hopping off my bed to find an outfit.

"Evan's coming over tonight?"

"Shit Elsa. Why do you always sneak up on me?" I ask while I calm down from the sneak attack.

"I overheard your conversation and couldn't help but come in and say something."

"Okay well... leave now."

"What are you and Evan's plans for tonight?" Elsa sits down with her bin of laundry.

"Ew! Nothing. We're just gonna watch a movie or something."

"Is that code for Netflix and chill?"

"Stop talking!" I yell while leaving.

She can really get on my nerves sometimes.

Hours pass by and 7:55 eventually arrives.

   "Hey Casey.. I brought movies to watch.. if you wanted to."

   "Sweet." I grab them. Ferris Bueller and.. Full House?

"Evan, Full House isn't a movie," I say while laughing.

"I- I know. I just.. Well I just grabbed those from Beth's room earlier because I wasn't too prepared for tonight." He laughs.

"I can see that."

I take his hand and guide him to my room.

"You sit here while I go heat up pizza for us." Evan nods.

I head downstairs and start opening the fridge to grab the pizza. It's never been the easiest thing for me; cooking. I've always seem to mess it up or ruin it. I've only ever baked anything big once. I made chicken noodle soup for my family last Christmas. The noodles were shaped like elephants and the chicken was cold. Luckily I'm not actually making pizza by myself, I'm just heating it up. I remember that one time I brought Evan pizza in a Nike box. That was something.

As I'm heating up the cold pizza, I hear a quiet knock.

"Wh- who's that?" I mumble.

"Izzie..." I wrap my arms around and hold her tightly.

"He- She was..."

"No it's okay, explain later," I reassure her.

"Can I come in?" She asks while wiping her eyes.

"Of course," I say as Izzie starts walking in.

She carefully takes off her shoes and sets them down by mine. She then sits on the couch with her wet jacket covered in rain.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

   "My moms boyfriend came to our house drunk again and started being an asshole to us. I- I took the kids as quickly as I could and drove them to my grandmas house. My mom was screaming at everyone. It was just scary," Izzie explains, crying even more.

   I grab onto her again and snug my head on her shoulder. I inhale and get a strong smell of her perfume which I love.

   "It'll be okay, I promise. You can stay here tonight."

   "Wa- wait isn't Evan here?"


   "Oh- uh yeah. He is. I was actually just cooking up a pizza for us. Do you want som-"

   "Izzie? What is she doing here Casey?" Evan asks, sounding annoyed.

   "She's upset, Evan. Her family is having trouble," I say firmly while standing up.

   "I... I can go if you wan-"

   "No! Don't leave. I want you to stay," I say to Izzie while grabbing her hand.

   "We can all just.. hangout? We can watch a movie. Izzie needs a place to stay for tonight. You guys should talk anyway. You seem to have some random hate for each other."

   "Wh- She's the one who hates me. I did nothing-"

   "You're always acting like a jerk to Casey."

   "Hey! You-"

   "Everyone shut up! Please can we just have a simple night?" I yell.

   The pizza alert goes off.

   "There's the pizza. We can eat it while watching Evan's movies- or shows and movies that he brought over," I say as I start walking over to grab the pizza. I then gesture for Izzie and Evan to sit.

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