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Once Luna finally came to, she realized her and Novo were in Spice's room. Novo was tied in a chair and seemed to be struggling. Spice was pacing around him, snickering to herself as she watched her own son struggle to escape her grasp. Luna sat up in the back of the room, near a huge plant and watched as Spice seemed to torture him with her hurtful words.

"You're worthless!" Spice said. "Just like your father!"

"You need to learn to toughen up!" She continued. "Leo's don't cry! Don't be such a bitch!"

"Your sister has thicker skin than your soft ass!" She yelled. "I'll use my powers and take your tears away. If you are to be king, you must be heartless!"

"No!" Luna yelled, getting up as quickly as she could. Her eyes glowed a pure white as her bull horns appeared on her head with her tail appearing simultaneously. Her magic staff appeared in her hands as her Golden Mark appeared on her forehead. She ran towards Queen Spice ready to fight, but as she attacked, running her staff into her head, she went right through both Novo and Spice. Luna stood up straight, confused, but as she turned around to face Novo who was now in front of her, she felt a new emotion of sadness and pain coursing through her body. It's like, for a second, her and Novo's emotions were connected, like she could feel what he was feeling. She realizes how he really feels, and rushes to his side once more to try and untie his hands, but her hands travel through his body and the arm of the chair. She looked at her hands and she realized her skin was glowing a faint white and green aura. Luna continued to look at her hands with defeat in her heart. She was a spirit. She couldn't help Novo and he couldn't see her nor hear her. She stared into Novo's red eyes, and as she looked into them, she could slowly see the masked pain he was hiding so often. How could she not see it before? He would always be so happy and calm, but on the inside he's holding in all this pain and pent up emotion. Spice took one last look at her son, then proceeded to her room door. She opened it violently and slammed it, which caused the fire ropes to untie, setting Novo free. Novo looked up to see Luna, who was still transformed.

"Luna..." He said, emotionless.

"Y-You can see me now?!" Luna said, relieved. She got up and wrapped her arms around him, tightly. She had never been so happy to be seen in her life.

"Please let go of me." Novo said coldly. Luna slowly let go of Novo, trying to look him in the eye again, but Novo avoided her gaze.

"Novo..." Luna started. "Please tell me what happened." Even though Luna already knew what happened, she thinks she knows what Novo needs to do to pass this test. She wanted to see if he would share his true and honest feelings with her, see if he would open up, which she knew was something that was hard for Novo to do.

"Nothing happened." Novo said. "I'm fine, honest." He stood up and started to head toward the door.

"I know you're lying!" Luna called out to him. Novo froze and stood there.

"You're lying." Luna repeated. "I can tell something is wrong. You need to tell me I'm your friend and I care about you. Novo please."

"I said I'm fine, Luna." Novo said again, with more hostility in his voice. "I appreciate your concern, but we need to go."

"Stop hiding, damn it!" Luna exclaimed.

"Luna, please I don't need your fucking judgment or your lectures right now." Novo said, turning around, his eyes becoming more red.

"I'm trying to help you." Luna said calmly. "Swallow your pride stop being so closed off!"

"Pride?" Novo repeated.

"Yes!" Luna said. "Again, I just wanna help!"

"How about you stop trying to help people all the time. I said I don't need it." Novo said. Luna walked up to him and took his hand. Novo flinched, but managed to look into Luna's eyes, he could see her caring gaze burning into his heart. But alas, he pulled his hand away from Luna's and walked past her, gently pushing her aside with his shoulder. Luna looked down and ended her transformation. She held back the tears of disappointment and her aching heart. She hated to see him like this. Novo walked over to Spice's window and looked out at the setting sun. He looked down at the floor and back at Luna, who was shedding a few tears. He turned around and walked over to Spice's bed and sat down. He let out a big sigh.

"I've never told anyone this, not even my sister. So you better keep your mouth shut." Novo said finally, breaking the silence. Luna looked at Novo and tried to seem normal. She walked over to where Novo was sitting, and sat down next to him.

"I won't tell a soul." Luna said. Novo looked at her and cracked a dim smile.

"Being Queen Spice's son was never easy for me. What you probably saw is something she'd do everytime I fucked up. She'd say hurtful things or we'd argue. At first I didn't care, but overtime as I got older and closer to the throne she came up with more ways to get to me. I overthink, She waits until I'm at my lowest to attack. She says I have to be heartless to lead this kingdom but I'm human like everyone else, being heartless will only work for so long. I come off as tough and heartless but deep inside I'm just a person who wants to be understood." Novo explained. Luna looked at him with understanding in her eyes.

"See, that's where you and I are alike. Nobody understands us but we understand each other. We hold in our emotions because we feel that if we show them, we will come off as weak. But Novo I don't think any different of you, I don't think you're weak. Or worthless. I know how hard it can be to open up after your trust has been broken so many times. But I'm glad you're trusting me." Luna said, taking his hand once again. Novo smiled at her a bit, feeling like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

"And Spice is wrong. You don't have to be a heartless, cold leader to be a good king. However you decide to run your kingdom, I'll be there to support you. However you choose I know you'll choose right. But being heartless isn't the way to go. As king, you have to be able to connect to your people when they have an issue so you can have their best interest at heart when making community decisions for them. Your mother is wrong. So however you run your kingdom, please don't be another heartless Leo." Luna told him. Novo pulled her into a long, tight hug. The two sat there, hugging each other for a long time.

"I'll always be here for you, Prince Novo." Luna said. "There's a time to be heartless, and a time to show you care."

"Thanks.." Novo said softly. "I didn't mean what I said earlier, It's amazing how pure your heart is and how you try to help people."

"Thank you." Luna said, smiling.

"Also, I rely on your judgment sometimes. Your lectures too. 'Lets me know someone really cares about me." Novo said.

"A Leo apologizing, that's something you don't see everyday." Luna joked.

"Don't get used to it, Princess." Novo said, laughing a bit. Luna laughed along with him and Novo watched as she laughed with him, he felt a warm feeling in his heart. Opening up to Luna made him feel better. "You're happier now." Novo said. "Still recovering, but doing ok." Luna said. "I'm sorry about Smokey." Novo said. "I'm starting to get over that. I'm fine now." Luna said. "But this isn't about me." The two smiled at each other, both now feeling the warm feeling in their hearts. 

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