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 Though the moment they shared was tender, it was soon interrupted by a bright white light. Novo and Luna winced as the spirit appeared in front of them. It was Leona. She looked at the two and smiled a bit. Novo stood up to meet the Goddess at her stance.

"Why would you make me relive these horrible memories?!" Novo said.

"Because. These were the moments when your pride took over. You have so much pride in becoming king, that you overlooked your sister's leadership abilities, and made her feel weak. Then here, instead of opening up about what bothered you, you suppress your feelings, letting your mother win." Leona explained. Novo felt overrun with a new realization that she was right. He looked at Luna with defeat in his eyes and Luna returned his gaze with comfort.

"Don't worry, Young Leo, I see that you recognize your mistake and for that reason I will give you a chance to redeem yourself and turn these weaknesses into strengths. But you only get one shot." Leona said.

"I'll do it right this time." Novo said. Leona gave a slight nod, then closed her eyes to let the room fade out. Spice's room began to fade into black again as Novo and Luna watched a bit paranoid as Leona disappeared with it, the two took place inside Novo's room, seconds before Novo's sister would come and knock on the door. Novo once again woke up in his bed in his own room in the Fire Flare Kingdom, this time he was not taken aback, he was not scared, he remembered what had happened last time and knew almost exactly how to fix it.

He glanced over to where Luna was last time and she was just beginning to stir as well. Novo got up and helped Luna onto his bed. Luna was looking around trying to come to, for the room was very dim, almost giving off no light at all. The only light as far as the eye could see was a few dimly lit candles inside the room.

"I hope you know what to do this time." Luna said.

"...I won't like doing it, but sometimes you have to sacrifice your own feelings when it means saving others...Or even yourself." Novo admitted. Luna gave him a small smile.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that earlier." Novo said. "Nobodies ever really seen me so--so---"

"--Human." Luna finished. "Nobody has ever seen you so Human. It's ok to feel and to show how you feel sometimes, you don't have to try and be cold and numb all the time." She reached over and took Novo's hand, and looked into his troubled eyes. Novo smiled at Luna and pulled her into a hug. Nobody ever understood, or bothered to listen, Luna relaxed herself finally, sinking into Novo's arms. She felt a sense of comfort, like she was at home. Breaking from the hug, all they could do was stare at each other. Luna felt like her insides were turning. Like she had butterflies in her stomach. But the tender moment was cut short when there was a knock on the door once again.

"Who is it?" Novo called out, just like he did earlier.

"Your sister dummy!" came Raja's voice. Novo looked at Luna, unsure if he could complete the task set upon him correctly, and Luna just gave him a reassuring look.

"I know you can do this." Luna whispered. "Just go out there.. I'll be right behind you." Novo smiled, and got up to walk toward his awaiting sister. Luna went back to his closet, so she wouldn't be seen, and hid in there, then peeked through the cracks to make sure everything went ok. She looked at her hands. They were giving off the same white and green glow as earlier. Raja could not see her, only Novo. Realizing this, she walked out of the closet, and went to take her place next to Novo. He looked at her then opened the door.

"Finally, slow poke." Raja said.

"What do you want, Raja?" Novo asked a second time.

"Walk with me, brother." She said. "We haven't just walked and talked for a while." This time, Novo smiled.

AWD Special Edition : A Leo's PrideWhere stories live. Discover now