Chapter#5: Day 2

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Ezra threw the door open. He had a pile of books.
"Morning to you too," I said, grabbing my glasses.
"So last night," He continued breathlessly. "Something told me to do research."
"Um, okay?"
"Don't judge me; that's how I got some of my memory back." He paused. "Having my wallet helped too."
"Wait, What? You lost your memory too?"
"Yeah, I'm not even a doctor."
"Okay, so I found a way to return our memories."
"Kiss me."
"What the hell?"
"I'm messing with you."
He grabbed a book from the pile and began to flip through the pages.
I read the book, which was a chart. It had the gem and the colors of each kingdom.
"Okay?" I questioned.
"The color from your necklace it's not on there." He said.
"Your point?"
"You have a new power not known to this world."
"Oh, cool."
"Do you want to get breakfast?"
"What about my leg?"
"One second."
He brought in a black wheelchair—I threw my legs to the side of my bed.
"Okay! Ready?" He asked.
I got up, and everything seemed to be okay until I stepped forward. I fell, and Ezra softened my fall. I turned around, and Ezra offered his hand.
"Here, use me to help with your balance." He explained.
I grabbed his hand, and we were transported to a cave. Then I fell into the wheelchair, and it started to move backward. Blood began to come from my nose. I looked up to see Ezra in the same kind of state but on the bed.I grabbed his hand, and we were transported to a cave. Then I fell into the wheelchair, and it started to move backward. Blood began to come from my nose. I looked up to see Ezra in the same kind of state but on the bed.
"What the hell?" We asked in unison.
I began to wheel to the door.
"Wait!" Ezra screamed.
I made it outside to see a ghost town.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"T-the night I found you, everyone disappeared," Ezra explained.
I paused a second to think.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Let's get breakfast," I said.
Ezra walked next to me in silence.
"Hey, thanks!" I said, breaking the silence between us.
"For what?" Ezra responded, puzzled.
"For saving my life."
He smiled, and we made it to the dining hall. He opens the door to a figure dressed in black.
"Hello!" The figure said, walking into the light.
"Um, hi?" Ezra questioned.
"Emily?" I asked.
"You remember me?" She responded.
"This is her?"
I shook my head.
"You told your boyfriend...oh wait, husband about me?" Emily asked.
"Husband?" Ezra questioned.
"Holy shit! My spell worked!"
"Spell?" I asked.
"God, your so dumb, Jerrica!"
"You were fun to mess with when you knew who you are." She continued."  I'm out."
She disappeared.
"She has to be wrong; we are too young to get married!" Ezra panicked.
"Hey!" I responded.
"It's nothing against you!"
He continued to mumble. I kicked his shin then grabbed his collar.
"Calm down!" I said.
He began to blush, and I let him go.
"Let's go make breakfast," I said.
I wheeled into the kitchen.
"Oh no, you don't!"
Ezra pulled my wheelchair back.
"But you've done so much!" I said.
"You're injured, Jerrica!"
"Ugh, fine!"
I squealed. The kitchen was huge and fully stocked.
"So, what do you want?" Ezra questioned.
We both decided to make french toast. I wheeled into a side room of the kitchen. Then grabbed a pile of cookbooks.
"So, how old are you?" Ezra asked from the other room.
"What day is it?"I responded.
"June twenty-first."
"Then, I'm nineteen... I think, What about you?"
"Cool, Cool."
I wheeled back to him with the books.
I handed him one of the books. I proceeded to place the books next to him. I felt his eyes on me.
"What?"I asked.
"Nothing." He said, flustered and blushing.
I got back to reading.
"Okay, I got it," Ezra announced.
I placed the books into my wheelchair. I headed back to the room. We gathered the materials to bake.
"Okay, so the flour."
Ezra then proceeds to throw flour at me.
"Want to fight?" I threatened playfully.
"Come at me, cripple!"
I proceeded to get up and slipped on the flour, and in an attempt to catch myself, I knocked over Ezra and then the bag of flour.  I hit my chin on the counter. We both hit the ground.
"Are you okay?"He asked.
"I think?"I answered.
We looked at each other and laughed. I looked into his eyes. We slowly moved closer to each other. I moved away before we kissed.
"I'm sorry," I said.
I climbed onto my wheelchair. I wheeled out of the kitchen.
"Hey, hey, hey." He said, chasing after me.
"What?" I answered back, annoyed.
"Look, I was drawn to you from the first time I saw you." He continued. "I think there is something to what Emily said."
"That we were married?"
"I know it's crazy, but I think you feel the same way."
I turned around and grabbed his shirt. I slowly moved toward his lips. I kissed him. Then everything came back to me. Once my eyes opened again, I saw Ezra. I stood up and kissed him again. I then hugged him. He hugged me the tightest he's ever done before.
I looked at him and began to tear up.
"Is it you?" I asked.
He moved the hair out of my face. He then whipped tears from my face.
"Hi, baby!" He caressed my face.
I then hugged him once again.
"It's okay, Jer!" He said, calming me down.
"Don't let go!"I whispered.
"Don't worry; you're not going to lose me again,"
He helped me back to my wheelchair.
"One second."
I healed my leg. Of course, I screamed from the pain.
"That's it."
Ezra proceeds to pick me up and cradle me. I was a giggly bitch back into the kitchen. He placed me on one of the counters and went into the side room.
"What are you doing?"I asked.
"Finishing breakfast, ya nerd!" Ezra said from the side room.
I got up from the counter and immediately fell to the ground. I finally got back up and headed into the side room, and kissed his neck.
"I love you," I said.
I placed my face into the back of his neck. He turned me around and put his hands around my waist. He kissed me.
       "I love you more!" he responds
"Bet!" I said.
He kissed me once again. We were attached at the hip for the rest of the day. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. The day ended with us cuddling together.
"You know what's funny?"I said, playing with Ezra's hand.
"What?"He questioned.
"Even when we both lost our memories, you still fell head over heels for me."
He began to blush, and then he punched me playfully.
"Shut up, nerd."
I giggled, and he punched my shoulder again. I got on top of him and kissed him.
"Oh no, you don't."
He threw me off and pinned me to the bed. He soon kissed me. He then got off and put his arms around my waist.
"So what now?"I questioned.
"What do you mean?"He asked.
"How are we going to fix this?"
"I don't know, but we are together, and that's all that matters." He continued. "We have been through worse; we will figure this out."
We fell asleep that night cuddling each other.

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