Chapter 2

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"You did that thing I bet." Harry states so smugly that Niall can only glare at him. Harry eases into Niall's shoulder in a gesture of friendship but the same annoying smirk still plays across his lips. "You know, where you just turn all red. Can't speak or anything. That's always what happens around cute guys."

"Proper tomato." Louis quips from around his boyfriends side, affirming Harry's suspicions.

Niall rolls his eyes and leans into Harry a bit more forcefully causing the taller boy to be pushed aside. It only causes his smirk to become a bit wider.

"Shove off mate, he's not my type." Niall scoffs.

The four lads halt as a motor bike unexpectedly exits the car park.

"Didn't realise you weren't into fit, dreamy, gorgeous men." Louis says as they continue to weave themselves through the lot, the chatter of all the after school students filling their ears. "Does explain why you never went after Haz though." Niall watches as Louis makes a grab at his boyfriends bum, who only half heartedly pushes him off.

"Niall, it will all go fine. Just make sure you go in there and set some rules. Let him know that you're the teacher and he's the student." Liam lays a reassuring hand on Nialls shoulder. "As long as you don't play a doormat..." He trails off.

Nialls huffs, his hands fly up in exasperation. "Easy for you to say! You're not the one who has to teach a delinquente. I couldn't even look up to his face. "

"Christ, mate, it's not like he's a murderer or something." Liam reasons once again. "What's the worse that's going to happen?"

"I heard he stabbed a man once." Harry adds, and Niall turns to see a mischievous glint in the curly haired boys eyes.

"And all because he was...Irish." Louis continues, earning a kiss on the cheek from his giggling boyfriend.

" know you two were made for each other." Niall groans and then adds, "and I don't mean that in a good way!" he emphasises, in case their was any confusion.

Nialls only kidding because as he watches Louis tighten his grip around Harry's waist theirs no question about the two boys feelings. However, it's on days like this, when Niall feels lonely and hopeless, that he can't really look at Louis and Harry and feel much but an empty feeling in his chest.

Liam's eyes are full of sympathy as he swings an arm around the blonde lads shoulders. "If anything happens just let us know. Honestly mate, we got your back."

Niall smiles a little for Liam's benefit. However he can't rid the sinking feeling in his gut.


Zayn grabs an apple from the canteen and heads down the corridor. He's not the tallest lad on campus or the strongest but as he walks the students all get out of his way. He pays no mind to the whispers that chase behind him and simply brings his hand to his mouth taking a bite into the apple.

Once he's pushed through the corridor exit he stands out in the courtyard, leaning against an empty bin, carelessly watching the people around him. He lights up a fag and is content watching the aimless musings of the students until his eyes land on one student in particular.

He watches out of the corner of his eye as a small, blonde, Irish boy is shoved his direction by his friends. A faint curse can be heard before the boy seems to gain some courage and continue his march. Zayn inhales deeply, flicking some ash from the end, as the young lad approaches him, wringing sheets of papers in his hands nervously.

The boy stands up a little taller as he greets Zayn, "Hi, um, Zayn I'm Niall...your maths tutor." The boy is half looking at Zayn and half glancing at his friends off to the side. "I just wanted to give you these sheets, they have the place where we should meet, and, um, also the coursework we have to complete."

The boy shoves the papers at Zayn, who exhales a large breath of smoke. He makes sure to run his fingers menacingly against Nialls as he takes them from his hands. He looks over the documents and then back at Niall expectantly. He brings the fag back to his lips.

Niall looks a bit flustered and unsure of what to say next. Zayn's lips twitch in amusement at the boys obvious discontent. He can tell the boy is getting a bit defensive as a small blush reddens his cheeks. "Look, Mr. Smith said we wouldn't have any problems..."he trails off, looking away. "And...and, I know that we are going to be spending quite a time together so I think it'd be best if we just...just got on well." He finishes lamely, talking to his shoes.

Zayn looks around, noticing that their interaction has gained more than one of their fellow students attention. He throws his fag to the ground and puts it out with the stub of his boot."Listen, here, sweetheart." Zayn mumbles, leaning in so he's right above Niall's ear. His eyes crinkle in delight at the red shade his ear turns at the remark. "I'm going to give you as much trouble as you can handle. I like seeing that innocent face of yours burn red." Zayn pauses for a moment, dragging out his next sentence, making sure Niall is hanging on his every word. "Makes me wonder what other parts of you I can get all hot and bothered too."

Niall's heart gives an involuntarily leap. His eyelashes flutter at the feeling of Zayn's hot breathe on his ear.

Zayn's hand wraps around Nialls wrist where he grabs on firmly. "Half three." He confirms and as he saunters away he runs into Niall's shoulder none too lightly forcing the boy to take a step back in order to keep his balance.

Niall stands there, trying to steady his heart beat, and sort out his thoughts. He can still feel the heat around his wrist where Zayn's hands were wrapped moments ago. He looks over his shoulders in time to see Zayn disappear back into the building. And for the second day in a row he wonders just what kind of trouble he has gotten himself in to.

Up in Smoke (Ziall)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora